Hands on hatching and help

I'm a total germaphobe so I think I'll just throw mine away!
Oxine solution is a great disinfectant.
I had to take pics of one of my silkie babies from Ruby tonight for another user I was discussing splash chicks with and since I took them I figured I might as well share here...lol @RubyNala97 this is the one that hatched white and started feathering in grayish:

I'm going to try to get some pics of all of them tomorrow in the outside pen, If the weather is better than it was today, so fair warning I'll be spamming the thread with pics probably....lol
Everybody's babies are so cute! What incubators do y'all have the best luck with! I have a farm innovators and I have had no luck whatsoever!
I use an old Little Giant 9200 with fan...but I would not recommend the new digital Lgs. Hovabator or Brinsea depending on finances is what I'd recommend.

I have 2 magic flies, 1 brinsea octagon 20 and I'm waiting on a Brinsea mini advance in the mail.
You soooo need an intervention.....lol
Hi! I had an old styrofoam cooler that we cut the front out of and then placed a 8x10 plastic clear frame in the front with duct tape. Then we cut a hole in the back and put a light socket through with a 40 watt dimable light bulb and plugged it into a lamp dimmer cord. I also put duct tape around the bulb socket to make sure it stays in place. I laid some paper towels down on the bottom and a mason jar with water for humidity and bought a indoor humidity/temp gauge and adjust the dimmer to raise/lower the temperature and then I just moved my water container closer or farther from the light or added/removed water to control humidity. We also put two holes in it for ventilation. I didn't know how well it would work since it's still air and homemade but we have 2 hatched eggs, 1 hatching now and another rocking. I haven't seen the 5th move in a while so it may not make it out but 4/6 it's better than I expected for my first hatch ever! How is yours made?

Its made with a hole cut into the lid for a piece of glass to fit. A hole for a light and the cord of the fan to fit in.i put in 6 holes to allow for ventilation, they dont help at all.i put in ice packs on the bottom to help hold heat in case of a power outage and i put pine shavings on top of the ice packs till the shavings were about an inch deep. I currently have a dozen eggs in the incubator they are on day 13/14, they should hatch on the 18/19. At least 5/6 have Prominent Veining and Movement, the others i cannot tell. I will post some pictures of the incubator in a little. Will you post some of what your incubator looks like, please?

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