Hands on hatching and help

Just took a look at your incubator model . I think you should check the door gasket to be sure it's a good fit and sealing properly . Try taking a sheet of printer paper and see if you can slip it between the door gasket and cabinet with the door closed . If there is a gap at the top it would allow the heated air to escape and cause such a problem .
I think I might have a small gap at the bottom, as the rubber seal broke a little and I had to put it back, however the top seems fine. It's been being more consistent the last few days, only got a little too warm once.
Thanks I can't wait to try again! This time I will be buying hatching eggs instead of using my girls'
I would do local pickup over shipped . USPS really shakes them up .
So this is our first ever hatch, we have 13 eggs in lock down, temp is 99.6 humidity 60% (although it goes up to 62 sometimes), today is day 21. No pips yet. Is my humidity okay? If not, what should I do? (Our incubator is a hovabator 1602)
So this is our first ever hatch, we have 13 eggs in lock down, temp is 99.6 humidity 60% (although it goes up to 62 sometimes), today is day 21. No pips yet. Is my humidity okay? If not, what should I do? (Our incubator is a hovabator 1602)

This would be your first ever "set". Hope they hatch soon!! First question is what was the date you put the eggs in the incubator? 60% humidity would be to low for me for the hatch. What was your humidity for the incubation----from the beginning up to lock-down?
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I think it died :(
:hugs I am so sorry.
Glad to see you pop in! LOve your daughter's pics btw. They came out awesome! Sorry to hear that! That sucks big time! Well, Tuesday I set 24 more silkie eggs. All five days old or less. I can tell 4 of them are going to be clears and there's 2-3 that I just can't tell cause they are too spotty, but most look promising. A couple look weak like they are quitting as soon as starting, but we'll see. I think my fertility has come up. I'd like to be able to sell hatching eggs here locally, so I hope so. I'll know more tomorrow. I hit day 3 tonight and I can usually tell by the end of day 3 what's growing and what's not. I kept 10 chicks out of the last 3 hatches and they are doing good. mostly blues. I plan to sell whatever hatches from these guys. We have been looking at a place about an hour and half away from here, well, I should say communicating, so far looking has been confined to a drive by and pictures sent, it's a trailer on some land, wooded all the way around. We're talking about doing a land contract. Hoping that it happens before winter. The owner is going to be going into assisted living when a room opens up at the facility. If we do, which is looking pretty positive atm, then I may decide to add a couple ducks next year. And maybe a couple Sebbies.....lol We'll only be about 20-25 minutes from my very best friend whom I hardly get to see because of the distance, and closer to my sister and the town I lived in for 12 years after graduating college, so I am :fl .
:fl gotta love the excitement of a new home.
:hugs So sorry Ross :( But hey I'm doing good and am a new grandpa so I'll show him to you Oliver Lee :love ain't he cute .
Uhhh. Yes!!!!:love. I am trying to convict my hubby for one more....I need to try one more time for a boy. Hahahahaha!!! :lau

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