Handsome young roos, Eastern PA


8 Years
Mar 12, 2016
Greenfield, IN
I have a couple of boys that need new homes, one is a Speckled Sussex and the other is RIR. These were supposed to be sexed girls, but I guess they got it wrong! They are not aggressive at all, my 4 year old runs around the backyard with the chickens every day and they have never even looked at her sideways. :) Most of my girls are bantams and the few big girls I have left are old and rarely lay. I'm afraid these big boys are going to hurt the ladies, plus I just don't need 4 boys hanging around! (The other 2 are bantam roos.) I'm willing to drive to get them to a new home, depending on how far. We are near Allentown, PA. Get you some good lookin' boys for free! (Ignore the bantam Polish photo bombing them!) ;-)


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They are normal rooster size, just too big for my tiny girls. They were hatched this spring, so they're full grown now. It looks like somewhere around Reading would be halfway, if you'd like to meet. I'd just need to know which one you want and what day/time would be good. Thanks!
They are normal rooster size, just too big for my tiny girls. They were hatched this spring, so they're full grown now. It looks like somewhere around Reading would be halfway, if you'd like to meet. I'd just need to know which one you want and what day/time would be good. Thanks!
That would be great! Reading sounds good, Friday after 12 noon anytime, or anytime sat or sun. Monday we are busy. Weekdays mornings or after 4 is good. We want the speckled roo if you have him. Let me know what day/time is good for you. Thanks!
Saturday would be good, my hubby has a place he likes to go to in Reading, so might as well take him along! ;-) Send me a pm with a time and place that works for you and we'll go from there! Thanks!

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