Hanging head, weak, jerky neck movement


In the Brooder
Oct 15, 2020
My chicken is in trouble. I have a Buff Orpington hen, about 4 months old. When I went out to let the chickens into the run, I knew something was wrong. She was more pale. She was standing. Then she made her way to the door, and walked down the ramp to the run. She was cautious and slipped slightly. Now she hangs her head and is kind of twitchy. She seems very weak. She doesn’t ‘talk’ much. I’ve separated her. I’ve hand fed her and held water to her beak. I have her plain yogurt and her starter/grower medicated feed. She participates a little. I don’t see any bugs on her. I don’t feel anything where her crop is. She is in a crate with a heat lamp on inside the garage. Can you help me figure out what’s going on, and how I can help her?!
I treated her with Corid, just to try anything, and she made an amazing recovery! I couldn't believe it. Now, I'm just trying to get the girls to stop getting it. 3 of the 6 of them got it. I saw blood in poop this morning. I'm not sure who it came from, and they are all acting fine. Any advice on how to disinfect the run that is dirt?

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