Happy 347th Birthday LittleChickenRacingTeam


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
Apr 6, 2007
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the soul of LCRT taking over yet another
earthly form. It is a day of celebration and ritual when we celebrate
the "birthday" of his current body. I know this may be hard for many to
understand so just pour a glass of fresh warm chicken blood and read on.

Most people don't know the history of LCRT. To know him is to love him.

He was born 347 years ago in 1661 somewhere on the northern coast of
Africa or southern coast of Spain, no one really knows. Even he can't
remember. At a young age he got mixed up with a rough crowd and
eventually became a famous pirate.

Artist's representation:


God frowned on his crimes and sent him away from the gates of Heaven.
The dark lord showed pity on him and returned him to earth as a serpent.


He didn't live long as a snake and the devil once again sent him back,
this time as a European woman. Don't ever let him tell you he doesn't
have a feminine side.


While he enjoyed being a woman he always wanted to be a Brit but he
picked a bad time. He was pulled into the American Revolutionary War.
His job was to carry the flag in front of his fellow soldiers.
He didn't last long.


Time passed and once again LCRT was returned here. He found solace
in his keen writing skills(unlike me) and ended up becoming an author
who's fame and literature would be timeless. Think about this next time
your read a Twain novel.


After another death, this time at an old age, the dark one had plans for


Even Satan was taken aback by his latest actions and punished him.
Most of you think Hitler actually died in a bunker. Nope, not true. He
escaped to Canada only to be killed by an angry crowd of Canucks.
The closest life form he could take was in a nearby field. So....


Yup, you guessed it.

The goat lived a long life. This is actually where LCRT developed his
fondness for chickens and the great outdoors.

Finally his soul returned once again as the man we know and love,

I tried to take a picture but his image won't show up on my camera.

Happy Birthday LCRT!!!


WOW that is incredible, history was to brief though, seems to just leave you hanging, still really nice. good job and Happy Birthday LCRT, may many more shine on you.

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