Happy, half-grown chickens


12 Years
Apr 29, 2009
revamped my chicken area yesterday, and got some nice pictures.


Two silkies in the middle, on the far left a turken, in the back the araucanas, and buttercup on the right.


My turken. She's liking the new (and freshly cleaned) space, I think.
Cute!! Never saw a young turken before...

Will they eat the bedding though? I (love it and) use that for the ferrets, but am afraid if I drop any outside the chickens will eat it....and I dunno, fall over dead or something? Maybe they just know that its yucky...
I work in a farm store, and that's what they use for the bedding for all the animals that pass through (mostly birds and bunnies). Haven't had a problem yet...depending on what we have more of, it's either dry den or ABM.

I love my turken. She's got some really interesting feathers on her neck and between her shoulderblades, almost like they start out as quills. She makes a different sort of noise too, or maybe it just sounds different due to the lack of feathers to muffle it?

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