Hard mass?


May 24, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello friends! My 3.5 year old Maran is molting. She’s been molting for a few weeks now and hasnt laid since. Vet confirmed she has waterbelly and we’ve drained her a few times over her life span. For some reason it seems to clear up when she’s molting. Idk why.

Anyway- I was checking her belly today and felt a hard mass on her right side where her belly meets her leg. It feels like the size of an egg. She’s pooping normally. Lethargic but typical for her during a molt.

Any ideas what it might be?
It could be a hard mass of solidified lash egg material or cancer. If she had ascites (water belly) for some time, that is a sign of liver disease related to egg yolk peritonitis, cancer, or liver disease. All of those are eventually fatal. Does the mass show up in a picture?
It could be a hard mass of solidified lash egg material or cancer. If she had ascites (water belly) for some time, that is a sign of liver disease related to egg yolk peritonitis, cancer, or liver disease. All of those are eventually fatal. Does the mass show up in a picture?
Thank you…

I don’t think I’ll be able to get a clear photo of the mass based on its location, but I’ll give it a shot.

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