Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Nice horse! what kind of clip is that?

Thanks! :D

It's a hunter clip but with half his head left on. He really does not need that much taking off but I hate thick woolly winter coats. Plus it's so much easier when his summer coat starts coming through. Your not battling to get the thick winter one out.
Scott, we only got an inch of snow and I broomed it off the driveway. I didn't think it would bother you that much. Must have blown and drifted in your direction.
Is  Harry warm enough with the clip?

Yeah he's fine with that much off, he has a large wardrobe of blankets/rugs that he wears when in the field or the stable and is only naked when I ride him. He also has an exercise blanket that goes under his saddle and covers his bum if it's really cold when we ride ;)

His wardrobe is better than mine!!
Hi everyone! Do you know I totally forgot about this thread :oops:

Both are doing great at the minute, a few bumps in the road over the last few months but right now all good.
Charlie is growing up fast! Too fast and has overtaken me height wise! I can feel the empty nest creeping in already!

He has decided on being a gamekeeper when he leaves school so has started helping out at the local country house shooting estate ~ http://carltontowers.co.uk/
He's really enjoying his time with the keeper there and is learning lots already. He applied and was granted his shot gun license which he was over the moon about. He gets to have his own cabinet now and can go out shooting when he likes now rather than having to wait and go with his Dad. He's applying for his firearms certificate next so he can get his own rifle. Think the laws are going to tighten up soon on being granted these so he's doing it now before it gets tougher to get one. He's had quite a lot of foxes since last summer whilst out with his Dad and is turning into quite a good shot. This was his first one last summer ~

Overall he's just super into his shooting at the moment and he's got himself a couple of ferrets too that he's going to work in the winter. I'm pleased he's been responsible about them and he's doing great at taking care of them. They are growing on me but I'm never going to be a fan of them!

Harry is all good again now. We had a scare a few back when I found him lame in the field and knew straight away it was a tendon. Same leg he had done before and I thought that was going to be the end of his ridden life. Vet came out and looked and advised box rest :thBute, icing, cold hosing and bandaging. No way will he stay in on box rest so I had to make him a small stable sized paddock in the field so he was at least out with his pal next to him and more settled than if boxed. I'm more than sure extra damage would have been done had he stayed in.

Kept on top of everything, got the heat and swelling down ready for the vet to scan a week later but thank goodness he didn't need to. Vet was pleased with what he could see and put it down to a strain or slight tear in the tendon sheath. We are still on just walking work and hacking out, taking it steady so that we have a few more years left of getting out together. He's been really settled whilst out with his best buddy Branon, plodding along behind him.

Think that's about it for now, but do give me a poke again so I dint forget about this thread again!

Hope you are all having a fab day and Debby make sure you take it steady after your tumble :hugs

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