Has anyone seen something like this...Help please

If it were a problem with the abdominal air sacs what you guys suggest I look for? The little guy is still hanging in there this morning, but still doesn't seem to be eating like it should. Maybe I will try some scrambled eggs with vitamins added...worth a try I suppose to give it a little boost.
Poor little thing. Yeah, some nice eggies would be helpful if it'll take them.

Could you possibly take it to a vet?

Disclaimer: I feel like if nobody here knows a vet probably wouldn't, and I also feel like vet treatment of animals this small rarely actually saves their lives, so I'm not sure that it would be worth it. (This is just based off of my personal experience. No disrespect to vets or anything. I greatly respect/appreciate the work that they do, but not many of them are very knowledgeable about chickens and they're human like everyone else and can only do so much for such a tiny little body).
I live in a very rural area and our vet knows less than I do about birds, basically only dealing in large animal care. :thThe closest avian vet is over a 100 miles away.
That's a no-go then.

*sigh* It's looking like this is an extremely rare condition, whatever it is. At this point it's looking like your option is pretty much just supportive care.

Do the bumps look any different today? Bigger/smaller, any more crusting/oozing?
Actually, I was just torturing the poor little guy to see and they do look smaller, but I didn't get it wet either as I didn't want to chill it too much. The area is dry and fluffy so I don't think there's any oozing going on. I came up with the same as you...keep a close eye on it and make sure it is eating and pooping. I'm out of tricks at this point :idunno

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