Hatch a long during the month of July

I just placed my order with Green Fire Farms for Bielfelders and Cream Leg Bars. Green Fire Farms is here in Florida and they have really great stock. No one else sells Bielefelders except as eggs anyway. I have had cream legbars before and they are really pretty. Small like Leghorns. They are coming the week after my daughter leaves for College so, that will be good timing.
Went to turn the eggs this am and discovered the incubator on the floor and three broken eggs.
During the night, My dog must have gotten his tail caught in the cord and knocked the thing off the table. I am pretty sure he ate most of the broken eggs.
He is not a naughty dog. As dogs go - He showed up one rainy day and is nice to dogs cats people chickens.

But my incubator had egg mess in the heating section and I am pretty sure the fat lady has sung.

My daughter cleaned up the mess because I was sobbing.

I will continue to cheer everyone else on.



Sorry to hear about that. Talk about Murphy's Law. Good luck on all your future chicken endeavors.

Started pulling eggs for the next incubator set beginning of August. Current set is doing well with no issues. Lockdown is upcoming Sunday. We will candle Saturday night and sort out any eggs of questionable status then.

Good luck to all others still looking to hatch this month. May the poultry gods bless you with high fertility rates and a vigorous, solid hatch.
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WE HAVE A PIP!!! I was about to give up hope because today would have actually been day 25. But was thinking that the problems we had at the beginning made them behind. When I candled at day 17, it looked like 14, but they were moving.
Day 18 and now officially in lockdown mode.

Candled eggs before locking down and pulled a total of 8 eggs. Mostly quitters, but a 3 were clears that for one reason or another were left in. Total of 23 eggs left for final hatch. Countdown to pips and fuzzies.
Things are looking good. Awoke this morning to numerous peeps and chirping. Just got back from the farm and checked the incubator and we've got some new arrivals. So far three have hatched and more pips. Everything is going according to schedule thus far.

Latest arrivals

Here's wishing good fortune to everyone else hatching this month!
I just put 60 eggs in my incubator yesterday after waking up to find all of my chickens killed by a dog yesterday morning so I really hope they hatch. Now we play the waiting game. Good luck to every one hatching chicks!

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