Hatch-A-Long (May-June)

Where do you keep the humidity during lock down? First timer here :)
usually you want it at about 75-80% humidity for lock down
Lock down this evening. We should have chicks on Sunday. My daughter helped candle the eggs before they went in lock down. She is 7 and having a lot of fun hatching chicks. This is our second batch.
Lock down this evening.  We should have chicks on Sunday.  My daughter helped candle the eggs before they went in lock down.  She is 7 and having a lot of fun hatching chicks.  This is our second batch.
.my 6 year old is loving the incubator too. Ours are due on the 5th. I hope Iam not instilling chicken math on her early! We have B.O., EE, and millie eggs in ours. Excited to see the size differences.
My eggs went into the incubator today. We drove out to a breeder and chose which types of Silkie eggs we wanted. We have 1 white, 1 painted and 1 partridge. I really wanted some Buffs but her roo was on strike. The kids loved the fact they could pick the eggs. It was a lot of fun.

My Rcom mini arrived via UPS today. My girls are very excited. We've made a "chicken calender" to follow and take notes. I think this will be the best science class ever!! I think I am as excited as the kids. I have to be to have bought an incubator!

I haven't decided if we are going to keep any of the chicks yet but my Silkie Roo needs a Silkie girlfriend!
You don't get any better than the Rcom mini! Best of luck to you and your new babies! Keep us posted!
Today made day fifteen so I decided to candle again. Looks like out of twelve chicken eggs I have two quitters, four clear, and six wiggling embryos. None of the turkey eggs look to have ever started. :/
Ahh well, I'm just super excited for these six little dudes ^.^ I hope they all make it
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We have a LG, auto turner and fan. (As newbies we figured we needed all the help we could get)

LOCK DOWN was last night. Wondering when we should check the water wells since last time the wells almost went dry before hatch? Can we add water during lock down without harming chicks? I think you are right Cknldy about not to intervene usually and not rushing. I think the dryness last time is what caused the problem on our first hatch. (So hoping to avoid that concern and not need to intervene as advised by experienced hatcher Cknldy.) A few would pip and quit and we would wait nearly a day before enlarging the hole. Only 2 had to have a little more help and only one had to be "cracked out" - but it was in stages. I was a nervous wreck doing it! Advise/opinions GREATLY appreciated! The ones we helped - inside the shell seemed a good bit dryer than the ones that hatched on their own.

We set the first set on Mother's Day night - so counted Monday as day one. Set last doz. on Tues afternoon. We split the difference down the middle and went to lock down around 11 pm last night. Hoping we didn't go too long on first 2 doz or too short on last 11. Guess we'll know in a few days!

First 2 doz should start hatching Sunday!! Our 8 yo is planning to play hostess to her bro, sisters, bil and sil with her new babies! (Also maybe a few relatives and friends we are to call when they start hatching.... I have the house picked up in preparation....now how to keep it that way? LOL)

BTW we were able to pick up 7 fertile white, black shouldered, pied (if I said that right?) peafowl eggs last night and 4 peachicks! One is like the eggs and 3 are going to be all white!! Going to call a friend who is experienced hatcher with great hatch rate to see if he can incubate for us.

Also got Buff Orps, Specked Sussex and Red Star fertile eggs last night!! I think they are from the same lady that did the first 2 doz that we set the night of Mother's Day because they are well marked in pencil just like those and securely taped and marked. (We got at an auction). We got an incubator at ano auction that we are going to check out and if it's ok we're going to set those over the weekend. If not, will get a friend to incubate them for us.

PEAFOWL!! PEAFOWL EGGS!! Am loving listening to their little whistling from the brooder!

BTW we were able to pick up 7 fertile white, black shouldered, pied (if I said that right?) peafowl eggs last night and 4 peachicks! One is like the eggs and 3 are going to be all white!! Going to call a friend who is experienced hatcher with great hatch rate to see if he can incubate for us.

Also got Buff Orps, Specked Sussex and Red Star fertile eggs last night!! I think they are from the same lady that did the first 2 doz that we set the night of Mother's Day because they are well marked in pencil just like those and securely taped and marked. (We got at an auction). We got an incubator at ano auction that we are going to check out and if it's ok we're going to set those over the weekend. If not, will get a friend to incubate them for us.

PEAFOWL!! PEAFOWL EGGS!! Am loving listening to their little whistling from the brooder!

PIED peafowl? I had to google that because I never knew they came in so many colors! They are gorgeous! Congrats! You'll love the sound they make, hehe! Even if they make it at 5 in the morning...

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