Hatch-Along - Anyone planning to hatch out around St. Patrick's Day?

The barnyard mix is coming from Edgewater, FL.
The Birchen Marans are coming from Arkansas.
The Ameraucanas are coming from Alabama.
The EEs, OEs, and BBS Birchen Marans are coming from North Carolina.
Nice! So not too far from you. I wouldn't dare order in eggs this time of year where I live. They'd most likely freeze. I hope yours will be well-treated and kept cool.
Well... I'm gonna head for bed. Super late where you are! I enjoyed chatting with you and I'll let you know whether I find any targets. Not sure he's been in there long enough to show up in the eggs, but I'll let you know what I see (or don't) in my breakfast eggs. :frow
Nice chatting with you, too! Yes, time for bed. My napping has my sleep pattern off, lol. Sweet dreams!

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