Hatch-Along - Anyone planning to hatch out around St. Patrick's Day?

I agree! After her first round of reports, someone reported her. She had a few violations and was fined to the tune of over a thousand dollars. Instead of learning from that costly lesson she calls regularly. We know to expect it any time we see her walking around the loop. She hated it when I put up privacy fencing, lol.

This new neighbor doesn't like my compost pile when it's in view of the road and doesn't like when the chickens free range the whole yard so she can see them on the other side of the road. I'm fairly okay with all her complaints. I know the regulations for where I live and what I'm allowed to do based on my zoning so when her complaints are unreasonable I let her know that. With the amount of gardening and animals I have each year on the property she's pretty lucky that I'm as OCD about keeping things clean as I am or it would smell far worse here lol.
This new neighbor doesn't like my compost pile when it's in view of the road and doesn't like when the chickens free range the whole yard so she can see them on the other side of the road. I'm fairly okay with all her complaints. I know the regulations for where I live and what I'm allowed to do based on my zoning so when her complaints are unreasonable I let her know that. With the amount of gardening and animals I have each year on the property she's pretty lucky that I'm as OCD about keeping things clean as I am or it would smell far worse here lol.
Sounds like she shouldn't have moved to a home in agricultural zoning. Or, she is a chronic complainer, lol. Too bad she can't enjoy the rural setting!
Yeah we occasionally get those. People moving up from the city areas who want everything their way and it just doesn't work that way. We do do some things out of consideration of our neighbors. I don't process where the kids can see from across the street and I make sure that when I process if it's a weekday I do it when the buses aren't running through. And I make sure all my animals are kid friendly so when the kids invariably come over to see them they are all nice with kids lol.
:love beautiful!
This particular neighbor likes to call code enforcement on a regular basis. I can legally have a rooster, and none of my immediate neighbors minded, but I don't want to draw her attention to my home, because she then calls on everyone around me, too. Unfortunately, code enforcement has no recourse for bogus reports. They have admitted that they are beyond tired of all of the "anonymous" complaints, but they have to check on each call.
We have no neighbors. I like people, but it's really nice not to have them in my space all the time.
Yeah we occasionally get those. People moving up from the city areas who want everything their way and it just doesn't work that way. We do do some things out of consideration of our neighbors. I don't process where the kids can see from across the street and I make sure that when I process if it's a weekday I do it when the buses aren't running through. And I make sure all my animals are kid friendly so when the kids invariably come over to see them they are all nice with kids lol.
That's awesome! You are a very considerate neighbor!
In summer and fall we have 4-wheelers going by a lot on the trail. DH doesn't like it. He's a hermit at heart. 😂 None of them complain, though. They just stare at the funny cows. I really hope the three girls are pregnant, 'cause they sure have been eating a LOT this winter. They gotta be, though. The boy isn't jumping on anyone any more. :fl


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