Hatch along for August 17th!

I am new to this forum but I'm joining in on the fun!
I'm in Petaluma, CA and I have 6 large fowl and 2 bantam hens.. we are not allowed to have roosters because we are in the city limits. A friend with a rooster gave me a fertilized egg for my broody cochin and my chick hatched yesterday morning, 8/22. !! She's darling and perfect (of course!) and I only wish I'd had more eggs so that I could now have more chicks. Mama hen is great with her and they are doing well.
The chick is a delaware x black copper maran.

Welcome! Sounds like a cute mix! :D Pics pics pics!!! :).
I am new to this forum but I'm joining in on the fun!
I'm in Petaluma, CA and I have 6 large fowl and 2 bantam hens.. we are not allowed to have roosters because we are in the city limits. A friend with a rooster gave me a fertilized egg for my broody cochin and my chick hatched yesterday morning, 8/22. !! She's darling and perfect (of course!) and I only wish I'd had more eggs so that I could now have more chicks. Mama hen is great with her and they are doing well.
The chick is a delaware x black copper maran.

Yes pictures!
Well candled today again and only 1 is for sure with veins, 1 possible but I'm not sure so put that one back, 3 that I saw nothing and broke open. One was not fertile at all the other two were scrambled (gross!). The rest I don't believe have anything but I wasn't entirely sure so I put them back for a few more days. I took pictures but they came out so badly you can't see anything really. I believe one has a detached air cell, I looked for comparison pics and found a few on here but really not sure. Do the insides move a lot when they are detached?
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That was great, thank you so much. I do believe that a couple of these eggs definitely have detached air cells. Best hatching to you too! :)

Just had our first hawk attack yesterday... :(. It was going after our month old chicks, but my broody polish attacked it! Unfourtunatly the hawk ripped some flesh out. Good thing I made sure the other broody (with the egg) was inside, I thought she had a little to much time off her egg... close call! I feel so bad for Daisy... but we got medicine so hopefully she can heal soon!
Oh my, I hope Daisy heals soon also. Did you see it happen? I would have been yelling at the hawk like an insane woman. I have lost lots of pullets before to hawks and put up a clothesline deterrent (idea from BYC member) and although the hawks and falcon are still around apparently it's not as worth the trouble now.
Not really, I was inside watching TV and I heard squaking. I thought it was just my rooster...

Then my mom started screaming at me that something had my chickens, and when my dad,mom, and I ran out to the woods we saw it flap away. I was tempted to throw a glass bowl at it... except then glass would've been everywhere. It was brown,black, with a little white on its wings. It's wingspan was about 2 1/2 feet! Then I counted all my baby chicks, at first I only saw one so I was freaked out. But the other 5 were all hiding under the older chickens... then I noticed Daisy's back feathers looked like they were ripped out, and they were... so I saw her wounds and we cleaned them! But luckily she does not have an infection.
But I'm so excited for my egg!
Uh oh... I think the egg may have a detached air cell gosh... I'm not sure though. Could've just been the yolk. Let's hope so!!
Uh oh... I think the egg may have a detached air cell gosh... I'm not sure though. Could've just been the yolk. Let's hope so!!
Fingers crossed for you!
I just saw a heartbeat in my 1 remaining egg :) It will be day 12 at 8 p.m. tonight. I ended up ordering a few day old chicks to be here so if this one hatches he/she will have a few buddies to hang with.

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