Hatch along for August 17th!

Chicken Frenzie

Chicken Whisperer
12 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Hey!!!! This is for bators, and broodys! We put an egg under our broody Jewels (black austrolorp). It's light brown :). Feel free to post along! :)
Best of luck with your eggs!
I set 4 under my broody on the 15th - tonight I'm candling
I set eggs last Friday, 8 Salmon Favorelle. I only see veins in 2 though and the rest don't look fertile even, but I am very inexperienced at candling so I'm leaving everything as long as possible, but it was exciting to see veins for the first time ever!
I set eggs last Friday, 8 Salmon Favorelle. I only see veins in 2 though and the rest don't look fertile even, but I am very inexperienced at candling so I'm leaving everything as long as possible, but it was exciting to see veins for the first time ever!
Sweet! I love Favorelles... when they hatch you have to post pics!!! In the egg we put under Jewels, I think I see veins, but I am very inexpirienced too. I know if they're good on day 10... just wait until you can see the little guys move! IT is so exciting... in July we hatched 6 and when I saw them moving in the egg I had to call my mom and dad down to look.
This is the egg that is suppost to hatch. I saw a little black dot, with veins coming out from it! So excited! Anyone else who set eggs? Join in!!!
Sweet! I love Favorelles... when they hatch you have to post pics!!! In the egg we put under Jewels, I think I see veins, but I am very inexpirienced too. I know if they're good on day 10... just wait until you can see the little guys move! IT is so exciting... in July we hatched 6 and when I saw them moving in the egg I had to call my mom and dad down to look.
If any hatch you know I'll be posting pics!! LOL, I'll be so proud they made it being my first hatch. :)
:) I'm sure some will! My first hatch was July 22nd, 6/10 made it!!! 2 should've, but the first I accidently killed since I thought it was dead, and the second my mom thought it was a good egg and put it in the freezer -_-.
I am new to this forum but I'm joining in on the fun!
I'm in Petaluma, CA and I have 6 large fowl and 2 bantam hens.. we are not allowed to have roosters because we are in the city limits. A friend with a rooster gave me a fertilized egg for my broody cochin and my chick hatched yesterday morning, 8/22. !! She's darling and perfect (of course!) and I only wish I'd had more eggs so that I could now have more chicks. Mama hen is great with her and they are doing well.
The chick is a delaware x black copper maran.


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