Hatch along for August 17th!

Fingers crossed for you! :fl I just saw a heartbeat in my 1 remaining egg :) It will be day 12 at 8 p.m. tonight. I ended up ordering a few day old chicks to be here so if this one hatches he/she will have a few buddies to hang with.

So cool!!! Congrats! So I should see a heartbeat? I feel bad, it won't have any buddies! Except the chicks hatched July 22nd so it'll have some friends. I wanna go check now!!
Alright, my flashlight is so bad I can't see. Guess its just a wait-and-see!
I had to go buy another one at WalMart, a Coleman with 144 lumens. It was 26 dollars but worth it! My DH said that it is so bright this chick is going to hatch with sunglasses on! But now no more candling until day 18. All looks good so I don't want to mess around too much, although admittedly this is very hard to do. So very difficult to stay away.... ;)

How is your hurt chick doing?
I had to go buy another one at WalMart, a Coleman with 144 lumens. It was 26 dollars but worth it! My DH said that it is so bright this chick is going to hatch with sunglasses on! But now no more candling until day 18. All looks good so I don't want to mess around too much, although admittedly this is very hard to do. So very difficult to stay away.... ;)

How is your hurt chick doing?

Oh I know! I want to look every day! Haha, I'm waiting until day 20, to look for the pip. And daisy os doing great! No infection! :)
Oh I know! I want to look every day! Haha, I'm waiting until day 20, to look for the pip. And daisy os doing great! No infection!
I'm glad to hear that Daisy is doing so well! Score 1 for you, 0 for the hawk! :) Lol
I'm glad to hear that Daisy is doing so well! Score 1 for you, 0 for the hawk! :) Lol
Haha yeah!!! I've seen it flying above the woods pretty far from our house, so it's still lurking around. It has a buddy :(.

I think next year I'm going to buy like 5 Easter Eggers lol.
Day 18 at 8 p.m. tonight and still movement in the egg.
The air cell looks good but unsure if I should raise the humidity up on tonight or tomorrow (day 19). I see advice to do it on both days.
So all is looking good. I used shelf liner, the sticky kind, on the bottom and took out the turner plate. I had paper towels in there, but the humidity was staying awfully low at about 47% so I though perhaps the paper towels were hindering the humidity level. My little egg is at the ideal weight loss, but I did not candle it today since I saw movement in there yesterday. Humidity is holding steady at 71% with the shelf liner in there. I feel as though my entire day is spent wondering about this egg! It's all I think about now!
So all is looking good. I used shelf liner, the sticky kind, on the bottom and took out the turner plate. I had paper towels in there, but the humidity was staying awfully low at about 47% so I though perhaps the paper towels were hindering the humidity level. My little egg is at the ideal weight loss, but I did not candle it today since I saw movement in there yesterday. Humidity is holding steady at 71% with the shelf liner in there. I feel as though my entire day is spent wondering about this egg! It's all I think about now!
Tell me about it! I might be crazy, but I heard it tapping on the shell!!!! YAY!!! Either that, or I'm imagining it. Tomorrow I have a soccer game so it will take my mind off the egg. So excited :D
Woo hoo! I have a pip! I didn't earlier then I left to the store and I went to check and there it was.

Okay, I'm officially excited now. I hope it all turns out okay!

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