Hatch along for August 17th!

Woo hoo! I have a pip! I didn't earlier then I left to the store and I went to check and there it was.

Okay, I'm officially excited now. I hope it all turns out okay!
Lucky!! My egg is doing nothing. I am so dissappointed! I cupped the egg in my hand and started talking to it, then listened. Nothing. Then I felt it squirming!! I'll check back tonight when I put the girls in.
Time will tell if I'm lucky or not (will he/she survive the rest of the hatch?), but this waiting around is like awfully painful for me. There's been no change yet. Give yours time, it will do its thing surely!
Time will tell if I'm lucky or not (will he/she survive the rest of the hatch?), but this waiting around is like awfully painful for me. There's been no change yet. Give yours time, it will do its thing surely!
:). It'll be fine!!! Nature knows best! I bet before 8:00 it will be hatched!!!!
You are psychic! It hatched fully out and all seems really well! We named him/her Capt. Bling, most expensive chicken I own now :)

You are psychic! It hatched fully out and all seems really well! We named him/her Capt. Bling, most expensive chicken I own now :)

Oh my goodness!!! SO CUTE!!!! I can't wat to see Capt. Bling now, all dried!!
Nothing for my egg. It's not even internally pipped! It keeps squirming in the egg, I bet it's trying to break open the shell that way. Ugh, what a silly chick! I just want to see what color it was :(.
If it's a Light Brahama mix, I get to name it, if its a SLW mix, my brother gets to name it, and if it's some weird mix we have no idea, my mom gets to name it. MY dad didn't care, haha :).
Ugh... I'm so sad. :( I just want a little fluffball to snuggle with :( I bet it's not even going to be hatched tomorrow
:( No pips today.... when should I give up on it? I don't want to, but I can't leave Jewels there for like another month. I still feel it moving. Should I do anything? I checked last night if it piped internally, it didn't. The air space is pretty big, a little less than half the egg. Oh... I'm so sad!!!! :(
:( No pips today.... when should I give up on it? I don't want to, but I can't leave Jewels there for like another month. I still feel it moving. Should I do anything? I checked last night if it piped internally, it didn't. The air space is pretty big, a little less than half the egg. Oh... I'm so sad!!!! :(
What day are you on? I don't think there is much you can do to help it especially if it hasn't pipped. You can wait till day 25. Can you see when you candle where it's positioned or if its beak is not towards the air cell?
What day are you on? I don't think there is much you can do to help it especially if it hasn't pipped. You can wait till day 25. Can you see when you candle where it's positioned or if its beak is not towards the air cell?
Ummm.... well. I put it under the broody the 17th. So... 22nd or early 23rd. The only thing I can see is the air cell... I wonder if it died, and maybe when the egg moves the chick moves too... but I'm thinking it's alive.. just not making progress.
Pictures of your chick please?! :D :D :D
Okay here's pics of Captain Bling all dried off! :) I bought a couple of day old barred rocks to help keep him company. He has a stripe sort of thing on his back and I *thought* Salmon Faverolle was all yellow but I don't know for sure...anyhow I think he is pretty cute :)

It's hard to get him to hold still in my hand and take a picture!
Awww!!! So cute!
I 95% think my egg is dead. There is this watery sounds like sloshing ... ( if that's a word!) so I'm very skeptical and sad... But I guess it's life. Poor jewels. But my dad said I could keep my leghorn mix rooster my school hstvhed this spring since he isn't crowing, but I don't want to hatch anymore chicks sonce they are not vaccinated and stuff..

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