Hatch-Along - Setting eggs 4/25!! Anyones Else? Hatch date May 16th


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I am setting my first batch of eggs this year! I haven't been able to hatch any chicks out in a few months, so I am so excited!
I am setting 9 Silkie eggs in my styrofoam Little Giant incubator. I started the incubator 2 days ago, and the temp has been stablized for the last 24 hours. I set the eggs this morning, the hatch date is May 16th!
Anyone else set eggs today, want to join the hatch-a-long?!?
I like keeping this hatching calender beside my incubator. I found it on BYC, but I though I would post it again here because I think it is neat to refer to as the eggs are progressing.
I will join! I set eggs on the 23th, but realized this morning that my temps were too low so I figure I am pretty much on track with your hatch date. I also had a friend ask me this morning what I had in the incubator because her flock was killed by something last night. Sooo...... I popped in yesterdays eggs that the kids forgot to put in the fridge and am gathering todays eggs to add as well. Any excuse to expand the hatch, right? lol. I have five purebred auracauna eggs I got from a friend, and a barnyard mix of my birds. BLRW roo crossed with cochins, naked necks, orps, silver laced wyandottes, RIRs, barred rocks, and black australorps. Should be an interesting mix.
Awesome! My temp went down when I put the eggs in, but I am not going to adjust it yet. It should come back up after the eggs warm up...I think.
That stinks about your friends flock, but the upside is that you have an excuse to set more eggs!
I want to candle but I know I won't see anything. My eggs are all either green or very dark brown so it's hard to tell what could be going on in there. That's probably a good thing because otherwise I would probably be candling all the time. I do have white Pekin duck eggs in there too though, but I'm holding off on candling them until day 10 at least. It's so hard to wait, lol.

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