Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

I went in to lockdown this morning and am hoping to get my humidity up a little bit by this evening. I left my eggs on their sides, since they have been in that position the whole incubation. Last candle all were good, but now the real show and tell begins. Not sure I will be able to contain my excitement if I see a pip! Lol

Good luck everyone and can't wait to hear and see the hatches! :-D
I went in to lockdown this morning and am hoping to get my humidity up a little bit by this evening. I left my eggs on their sides, since they have been in that position the whole incubation. Last candle all were good, but now the real show and tell begins. Not sure I will be able to contain my excitement if I see a pip! Lol

Good luck everyone and can't wait to hear and see the hatches! :-D
Ok, just want to make sure from you experienced hatchers: I put the eggies in on Sunday the 6th. Lockdown should be tonight, and chicks should start hatching on Saturday through Sunday. In theory of course, because I'm sure they won't be on time.
SIlkieSensation Im really glad your on this thread with us you have great advice for everyone.

Thanks everyone for joining in this hatchalong and offing such good advice
This thread has been great. I cant wait for all the pics to start posting. YAY babies
I agree! I appreciate everyone's experiences, but Silkie has been esp gracious in sharing.
He looks good. Six more hatched I probly put them in a day early i added didfrent eggs with didfrent hatch days at different times so they would hatch together I could have been. Off. So far minis with egg I took from her and the cot s hatched but no signs from the four that were due yesterday go figure lol

Glad to read it
Ok, just want to make sure from you experienced hatchers: I put the eggies in on Sunday the 6th. Lockdown should be tonight, and chicks should start hatching on Saturday through Sunday. In theory of course, because I'm sure they won't be on time.
If you set on Sun 6th day one starts 24rs later and you count from their. So lockdown(day18) for you should be tomorrow(thurs) and hatch day(day21) should be Sun 27th.
Countdown on the Brinsea Mini Advance says 3 days, so it will quit autoturning tomorrow. I guess I'm kinda spoiled. I love this little hatcher. I don't have to do a thing but add water. Looks like a weekend hatch!

I'm currently collecting silkie eggs hoping to start another incubation shortly after I get these guys hatched and moved out. :D
I went in to lockdown this morning and am hoping to get my humidity up a little bit by this evening. I left my eggs on their sides, since they have been in that position the whole incubation. Last candle all were good, but now the real show and tell begins. Not sure I will be able to contain my excitement if I see a pip! Lol

Good luck everyone and can't wait to hear and see the hatches! :-D
So I guess since Gracie is doing the lockdown for us then we get to increase our own humidity with a couple of shots of favorite liquids???? Maybe that will help our nerves!
I'm so excited and nervous about this hatch. Lockdown officially starts Friday for me but I'm going to raise the humidity tomorrow night so I can get it evened out before it officially starts. I have to leave for work Friday night and I'll be gone until about 4am sunday morning
So I'm going to miss a huge portion of the hatch. I think I might have to tape it closed so Nobody tries to grad the chicks out when they hatch. I've warned everyone to not open it though, praying they listen. Ducklings will be here tomorrow or Friday. I cannot waiiitttt!! Good Luck everyone!!!
If you set on Sun 6th day one starts 24rs later and you count from their. So lockdown(day18) for you should be tomorrow(thurs) and hatch day(day21) should be Sun 27th.

Huh. That's why I asked, because the hatching chart app said one day earlier for everything and it seemed wrong to me. Ok, so lockdown tomorrow night!

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