Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

I have 4 in the bator and 4 in the brooder, did a quick candling on the eggs I could keep straight while I was pulling out the chicks and purged 3 more eggs that weren't fertile. I have one egg that I've started to do an assist on - the outer membrane keeps drying out- humidity has started dropping off in spite of the wet wash cloth and adding water to the bater, and the wet papertowel wrapped around the 9th one, which I think is the last one I'm going to get out of this run. Just have to keep my fingers crossed that the temperature won't go nuts when our temps shoot up 30 degrees later this week and then drop back down.
Hoep everyone is having good luck with their hatching - my EE's definitely are having fun out in the run - lol
Yes!! That is exactly what I have!
Love the 'bird flu'!!
I can sympathize wholeheartedly!
I have 4 in the bator and 4 in the brooder, did a quick candling on the eggs I could keep straight while I was pulling out the chicks and purged 3 more eggs that weren't fertile. I have one egg that I've started to do an assist on - the outer membrane keeps drying out- humidity has started dropping off in spite of the wet wash cloth and adding water to the bater, and the wet papertowel wrapped around the 9th one, which I think is the last one I'm going to get out of this run. Just have to keep my fingers crossed that the temperature won't go nuts when our temps shoot up 30 degrees later this week and then drop back down.
Hoep everyone is having good luck with their hatching - my EE's definitely are having fun out in the run - lol
hoping the temps and humidity troubles are behind you!
So that egg I thought had pipped??? Not so much, just a smudge on the egg. I can home from workt this morning to no new changes. No peeping, pipping, or anything! So I completely redid the wet sponges, wet paper towels, etc to keep the humidity up, and am praying that they're just slow on the uptake.

I mean can I seriously make it all the way to day 21 and then have NO ONE hatch?? I tried candling 2 of the eggs, and it's so dark, that I can't see inside. I'm taking that as a good sign that they're in there, but I can't tell it they're moving or not...

Any ideas, hints?
I currently have four hatched and five more pipped. No EE eggs hatched yet. Day 21 officially started at 4 PM for me. The egg that has been labeled 1 since the beginning was the first to hatch. As soon as I figure out how to get my iPad to let me post a picture I will. :D
so day 21 is pretty much over for us and we haven't had too much happen, earlier our humidity was very touchy and i had trouble keeping it up so since we didn't have pips i quickly opened the lid and added a towel that was reachable through the vent of our LG and that seems to have helped a little bit. but this evening our humidity is now jumping up about 10% for a little and then dropping..and then up again and then back down but we haven't added any water since about 430..could something be starting to happen?

On a better note...we candled our now 4 mystery eggs (started with 6) which are at day 14 and they all look good! there are maybe two that the air cells may look a little bigger then what they should but we saw movement in all 4...lockdown for those eggs is on Friday of this week so we are getting excited for these to start lockdown soon!!!
Hi all-just get caught up , seems like everyone's been busy here! The membrane stuck on the basque chic's back earlier in the thread has partially fallen off, and gotten alot smaller
. I had the first of the BLRW pipping this evening, it started zipping awfully quick-strong little booger-then it just stopped. I couldn't see any movement, breathing or anything(knew something was wrong-could feel it). Finally I pulled it out and carefully got it out-it was dead. BLAH! Bummed me out! I have one wobbler..got my fingers crossed -nothing is going well with these.
Good news is Chicken Egg "B" has made a noise, the first peep sound was about 4 hrs ago
just prior to the start of Day 22 for these eggs.

No movement, or external pip or anything, just a couple peeps from that one egg.

So right this moment, there is at least one live one in one egg , which also means there is lots of possibility that all the eggs are completely fine and will hatch healthy strong huge & hungry just like my Day 23 pure Maran "Kandy Kane" who never peeped & when from nothing at all to pip-zip-hatch-get up & walk around eating bits of eggshells in 2 hrs time.

I am hopeful this will be the case for all these silent day 22 eggs...& maybe Egg B will make a pip soon just so I feel better...
Well, we are 18 for 18 over here! After eight hours of silence, the last egg pipped and zipped this afternoon. Poor little guy is still moving a little slow and looks like he just wants a nap! But everyone else is moving with lightning speed! Once 18 fluffed up most of the way, we moved the last nine from that stinky dirty incubator to the brooder with the others, and they're all chirping away happy as larks. 18 is in a corner in an old box for checks, just to try and gain him a little time to rest up without everyone climbing all over him.

Thanks for the hatch-a-long, peeps! This was so fun! I can't believe all 18 that went into lockdown actually hatched! And these are active little birds. I can't wait to see what they look like feathered out. Thus far, we have probably 10 fairly different looks amongst the 18...and a handful with feathered legs, even! They were all a random barnyard mix of bantams (2 roos, 5 hens), although in the same coop were some polish hens and a full sized roo, so if polish lay relatively small eggs, they could in theory be a mix of any of the above. But many of them are totally beautiful! We're all in love! And watching them in the brooder is better than any tv. My kids are going to be totally entertained for the next few weeks.

When I get some good daylight pics of the chickies tomorrow, I'll post. :) Hoping those of you waiting for chickies are rewarded very soon!!!
Baby #2 (named London) just hatched...it looks very similar to Raine, only it's black back stripe goes further up its neck, to the top of its head.... I am totally happy with this little bitty hatch. Two of two is great, and these little ones look like twins...amazingly cute :D I'll post photos tomorrow once they fluff out

Pictures!!!! The thermometer showing humidity- the chicks finally got off of it so I could see where things were at inside the bator,, the last one is my assist chick- keeping my fingers crossed it pulls through, the membrane was drying out and starting to brown....not what I wanted to do on my first hatch, but felt so bad about losing the other chick and not trying to help it.

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