Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

If it were me I would assisit, at least make his hole a little bigger an see if it helps. Read this and decide if you want to help
I helped him out and he came out pretty easy, no blood or anything, but I am still not sure I did the right thing. He looks like he's struggling a but. The other bird is calling and calling to him, hope it encourages him.
Well. I ended up assisting two of the Ameraucanas out last night and another egg earlier in the evening. All went fairly well, the two earlier are doing well and the one at 1 am is starting to look better. I'm gone most of the day today so hopefully I come home to bouncing chicks in the hospital wing. 5 eggs left in the brooder, pulled 3 yesterday and we had pulled two during incubation so out of 42 eggs we have 32 chicks! I will so take a 76% hatch rate for my first try! Next time I just need to keep my humidity in check during hatching.
We are at the beginning of day 22, 8 chicks have hatched, 4 have pipped, and four more aren't doing anything yet. It has been a very busy and exciting morning for my family. So I guess right now we are at a 50% hatch. I didn't get my hopes up for more than 50% for my first time hatching in the LG. So I am already pleased as can be, anymore would be icing on the cake.

I think I worried the entire time and checked the incubator every half and hour everyday. These eggs are from our own flock, so if we ended up having a low hatch rate I know it would be my fault, not the eggs. So far it has been a wonderful learning experience. I don't think I would have been able to hatch anything in this incubator without all the helpful members of BYC, especially everyone on this thread! I think my brain is on information overload and I love it. Thanks everyone! We will continue to update as more chicks hatch
Well. I ended up assisting two of the Ameraucanas out last night and another egg earlier in the evening. All went fairly well, the two earlier are doing well and the one at 1 am is starting to look better. I'm gone most of the day today so hopefully I come home to bouncing chicks in the hospital wing. 5 eggs left in the brooder, pulled 3 yesterday and we had pulled two during incubation so out of 42 eggs we have 32 chicks! I will so take a 76% hatch rate for my first try! Next time I just need to keep my humidity in check during hatching.
Wow 76%, good for you! I have been thinking the same thing, I need to control my humidity a bit better at the beginning of lockdown. I filled all the water wells and had three wet sponges in there as well. On my incubator I had both plugs out and if the humidity started to drop I would put one plug in or cover up the hole halfway with it. I never let the humidity get below 60% during lockdown.
Oh my goodness, this has been a stressful little process. Right now we have 11 in a temporary brooder box with a light, thermometer, and food and water so they know what it is when we move them to their bigger temporary home that the ducklings are still in. These 11 seem to be doing great. There's a lot of dander or something in the box, maybe from the wet stuff from hatching out of the shells that's drying and getting everywhere? Is that ok for them?

Have 1 still in the shell struggling a bit. It's a bit slow. I gave it a good airhole so it's still breathing but I didn't chip away a whole lot because I could see that the veins were still red and thick. I'm giving it a lot of time to finish up but the membrane seems to have shrunk around it so I might have to help it when it's ready enough. On a positive note the one that pipped at the wrong end of the shell is ok. Had to assist but she's ok aside from having a bit of dried yolk and stuff holding her to the shell that had dried. Snipped the end of that off so she wasn't dragging her shell around anymore but it's still there. Don't want to pull on it. I read that it might dry up and fall off eventually. The last two eggs didn't pip. Candled when I removed the dry chicks and it looks like they haven't pipped the air cell. It's day 22 for them so we'll see but I think they are lost. Still have my fingers crossed for the late egg. She's still breathing so hopefully.

So at the moment, out of 15 fertile eggs we have 12 successful hatched one still hatching so if that one makes it, it'll be 13 out of 15 fertile eggs for my first incubation. Guess I did something right


Ohmygosh they're so fluffy!!!!
The pics and this video were all taken with my iphone since the darn little camera's not wanting to work and my other cameras battery won't charge. Let's see if I can get this video to work. Sorry about the shaking at the end. we were excited. This hatched chick still had some yolk attached but we didn't touch and she's doing good.
Here are my chickies!! Can you spot the little guy? So far everyone is doing fantastic. I just moved the bantam in with the big ones and he/she is holding its own. :)

I float tested both remaining eggs that are on day 24 and they tested viable, however I didn't see and rocking or movement. I'm leaving in one more day then calling it. Hope I get a surprise, but not holding my breath.

So what's my percentage if I hatched 5/7?
Here are my chickies!! Can you spot the little guy? So far everyone is doing fantastic. I just moved the bantam in with the big ones and he/she is holding its own.

I float tested both remaining eggs that are on day 24 and they tested viable, however I didn't see and rocking or movement. I'm leaving in one more day then calling it. Hope I get a surprise, but not holding my breath.

So what's my percentage if I hatched 5/7?
So cute!! I see the little guy too
does he get picked on any?

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