Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Im on day 25.5 I did candle all remaining eggs and also did the float test last night. All eggs seemed to have dark masses and float test says they all are low floaters supposedly meaning viable chick. I opened on last night and it was a fully developed chick not live
Im assuming some of the others are the same. But decided to not open the other 9 eggs. I left them in the incubator over night and all day today to give them one last chance. I turned the incubator off a short bbit ago. I hope I made the right decision

We hatched 8 chicks and sold the 6 of those day olds along with the 9 5week olds I had remaining. We decided to keep 2 hoping they will be olive eggers
chick 1

Chick 2

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Im on day 25.5 I did candle all remaining eggs and also did the float test last night. All eggs seemed to have dark masses and float test says they all are low floaters supposedly meaning viable chick. I opened on last night and it was a fully developed chick not live
Im assuming some of the others are the same. But decided to not open the other 9 eggs. I left them in the incubator over night and all day today to give them one last chance. I turned the incubator off a short bbit ago. I hope I made the right decision

We hatched 8 chicks and sold the 6 of those day olds along with the 9 5week olds I had remaining. We decided to keep 2 hoping they will be olive eggers
chick 1

Chick 2

Olive eggers usually have the puffy Ameraucana cheeks & pea combs & often have green legs. Chick 1 looks pretty likely, not quite as sure about chick 2.
Is anyone else planning to set a new batch of eggs?
I have more eggs shipping Monday & am picking some up locally Tuesday & Wednesday. Looks like I'll be setting more around Thursday.
Here is my lone chick J (real name pending...) I have a small hand, note that is a nickle in the pic. J is 36 hrs old already here: white blob on top of head is yogurt, hand feeding is messy... I'm hoping I can arrange to get a 1-2 SMALL chicks for buddies on Sat at the poultry show in Dalton GA -- any of you going to be there or know someone who will be that would have a couple tiny friends for my little J ??
We are going to Dalton. I am not sure what hatched this week yet but probably BCM, BLRW, Silkies and Red SexLinks. Let me know tomorrow if you want something. :(
Olive eggers usually have the puffy Ameraucana cheeks & pea combs & often have green legs. Chick 1 looks pretty likely, not quite as sure about chick 2.
I have more eggs shipping Monday & am picking some up locally Tuesday & Wednesday. Looks like I'll be setting more around Thursday.
Chick 2 has very puffy checks I need to smooth them away from her eyes lol She has a pea comb and lightly feathered legs. her legs are green yet but I hope they turn green in the next few weeks. It sometimes takes time for the leg color to develope. They both came from light olive green eggs.

Im also setting eggs again. I am picking up CCL eggs local on Fri So I will set eggs again this weekend. Hopefully this time goes a little better.
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Is anyone else planning to set a new batch of eggs?
I do! I'm going to save up about 30 eggs this time from our little flock this time and hatch more. It was so much fun! Our 13 chickies are still doing great! Day two has passed with no incidences except that we lost a little duckling
I'm thinking it choked on it's food because they ran out of water last night. So today I made a little gallon waterer myself to prevent them from running out again. I feel guilty. So we're at 15 ducklings that we had shipped in and 13 chicks. Are you setting again?
Is anyone else planning to set a new batch of eggs?
Ohhh... the unfortunate downside of hatching via broody... they don't care what we plan, they will decide for themselves! Though I really enjoyed the process, and especially getting to share it with all of you... I'm going to say we will be waiting a bit. Besides, we are totally having fun watching Gracie show the chicks all the 'chickeny stuff' they need to learn!
I have set more eggs already. I have joined the february hatch thread. Got ten Serama eggs in this time...5 from Ava and 5 from Raquel, so we shall see what I get this time. 5 of them (Ava's) will be full siblings to the two I hatched out in this hatch ^..^
just thought I'd share a few pics of our sweet chickies from this weekend...and for future reference, how do I calculate "hatch rate"? Is that simply the percentage of live hatchers out of the viable chicks going into lockdown? or percentage of live hatchers out of viable chicks from the beginning, including culls along the way? (I'm assuming it does NOT include infertiles culled throughout incubation) We started with 40 eggs, culled 16 over the first 10 days that were, in fact, infertile. Left us with 24 fertile eggs, went into lockdown with 18 looking great, and 6 looking long-time dead, but set them anyway, just in case. As I expected, the 6 never hatched (on later inspection, all six had died very early, they looked like first week deaths, and two were within days of setting, given their small size), but all 18 that were good at lockdown hatched.

part of the crew...

the one center-left, white with pink and silver stripe (and feathered legs!) was our first hatcher...

the "red-head" most in focus, with stripe down back, is the chick whose egg we accidentally cracked back at day 10 or so of incubation...lovingly christened "candle" at this point :) thank you for the melted birthday candle advice!

given the behavior of this chick now, I'll be surprised if it's not a roo...growing really fast, much bigger than the others, and VERY dominant!

we have three that look like this one, and they have feathered legs, too! (the tiny one in the foreground, not the green jammies in the background :) there's only one that looks like her)

we have three or four of these little yellow chicks with black polka dots on them, and feathered legs...then some other little yellows without spots or feathers on the legs...and one that's kind of blue-gray :)

I'm so intrigued to see what these birds all look like! I'm going to call the breeder tomorrow and ask what all she had in that coop, so I can at least narrow my pool of guesses as to heritage! what might feathered legs be? that surprised me!

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