HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

We're slowly making progress! 3 have hatched, and I'm thinking about getting them out and putting them in the brooder. It's getting pretty hectic in the 'bator...pipped eggs are getting knocked around all over the place!
Not to mention the noise level in there.
OH how wonderful it is to hear those peeps!

I'll keep posting as more hatch...stay tuned if you can. I got up at 3am this morning to go shopping, so I won't be surprised if I fall out at this desk tonight. Thank goodness the incubator is right beside my computer.
Well, I finally had to give up and go to bed at 1am. I was up again at 3 to check, but was just toooooo tired to post, so I went back to bed. Just to get back up at 4:30...

Anywho, here's the update. So far out of 21 eggs, 9 have hatched, 4 are pipped, and 8 are doing nothing.
Of the 8 that have not pipped, 2 of them have live chicks peeping inside. I didn't hear anything in the other 6, but day 21 isn't officially here until 6pm tonight, so there's plenty of time for others to "get in gear".

Please continue to keep your fingers crossed!
Ok, ok, everybody remain calm!

So here's the breakdown for ya....

12 have hatched...9 Delaware and 3 Delahorn

There are 2 that are pipped...1 Delaware and 1 Delahorn

There are 7 left...5 Delawares, 2 of which have peeping chicks inside...and 1 Delahorn that I don't get any response from.

So all in all, this is absolutely wonderful!
I did end up having to help a few of them. I will be posting some pics in a little while. I've removed the 2 oldest ones and put them in the brooder with 4 other 5 day old chicks (black australorp and black sex link). I'll post some pics when I get them all together and they've dried off. Stay tuned!
I just got these new babies yesterday. Miss_Jayne and I split an Ideal order, which was totally screwed up by the usps.

So probably tomorrow I'll be posting pics in the "Raising Chicks" category for all of these new babies!

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