Hatch date of April 17th! Anybody with me?


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Lakeport, Ca.
So I have 6 Indian Runner Duck eggs, 7 Crested Runner Duck eggs and 1 call duck egg due to hatch Saturday April 17, is anybody with me? The most duck eggs I Have ever had hatch before was 5, so this is almost 3 times that, I'm soooo excited. I just candled and all babies are wiggling like crazy!

So what are you hatching and when are they due?
All these are due just a day before yours, but the Marans could possibly hatch out til the 17th .
They're a selection of Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, BBS Amerauanas, BBS Jersey Giants, Black Copper Marans, and ONE Polish x EE.


The black circles tell which ones are fertile. (in other words, I've already culled
) . . . Only wish I had time to hatch Cayuga ducks.
What a beautiful assortment of eggs! I love the lone little polish egg in the middle of 'em all

Good luck, I can't wait to hear how your hatch goes!
I'm hatching with you, maybe a few days before. This is my first hatch, and so far all 42 eggs have movement in them.
This just a few days from lockdown. Was the humidity right? Was it too high or too low, are my thermometers/hydrometer accurate? So many things to think about and worry. Mine are barred rocks but there could be a few that might be polish barred cross. Not sure how funny they will look, but we will love them just the same.
Good luck to you and everyone who is hatching this week. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
I think BR Polish mix would be cute! You're gonna have to post pictures when they hatch! Good luck, and just relax, even when you think you've done everything wrong, they amaze you! Those little buggars are Tough!
We are with you on the 17th. We made a homemade incubator for my son's science fair project. We have 12 eggs and I know there are 4 yolkers so far, so that leaves 8 eggs to hatch. We have actually done a homemade incubator before and had 3 hatch out of 8 eggs. Anyway, good luck.
Wow good luck! My hatch will be in my home made incubator too, kinda makes it extra exciting! I had a power outtage last night, but luckly they are all still wiggling!
I have 16 French Black Copper Marans due to hatch on the 17th. I started with 20 from ebay and lost one due to a crack from shipping and 3 duds. One or two of the 16 are still in question but Im still hopefull so I left them in the bator just incase. Im also going to collecting Astrolorp and B. Orffington eggs this week to start as soon as this batch is out
After my hatch is done on Friday, possibly Saturday. . . I have Tolbunt Polish eggs to incubate right after that!! SO excited!!

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