Hatch Rehabiliation Centers

DH doesn't think I need rehab. Just a baseball bat upside the head

I finally said I would quit hatching for a while. He really got onto me for the qualifier, but I didn't budge. I am NOT getting rid of even ONE incubator (I have 2).

And I really meant it about stopping. I really did. I have carefully avoided the egg swaps and such.
And then a good friend's hens got munched by a predator. She wants BO's to replace them. I said I would research and find her some local chicks. I have the messages saved and she promises to tell DH... She wants ME to hatch HER some BO's!!!

So I will NOT be breaking my agreement if I stop hatching for 2 weeks and then hatch for someone else. Right?
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The worst perpetratrors are those really determined hens that hide eggs while free-ranging during the day, disappear suddenly (Oh, no! A skunk must have gotten Mildred!), and then show up 21 days later with a proud string of new "drugs".

Recently we were blessed enough to track down a diligent motherer and find her nest. We at least replaced those eggs (The chicks would have been very curious--Wheaten Cubalaya crossed with Barred Rock) with some we'd been incubating, and transplanted the nursery to a pen in the more-safe coop. (I'm concerned about whether the hen will sense that the new eggs are 1 1/2 weeks ahead of her original ones though. If anyone has knowledge, please reply on my post about that in this same thread category.)

I am thrilled to report we have avoided 1 additional. My stepson confided on phone that he was planning to present my husband with a chick for a Father's Day present. We have 2 hatches 7 weeks apart already and this chick hatched right in between them, so would be extra hard to raise right.
I discussed with my hubby and we agreed to ask my stepson if the chick can stay with him at his mom's house where it can have its other chick friends its age.
I'm sorry to restrict giving, but we really are limiting the number of our chickens (We only have 13). I end up investing so much time in them--I love to take really good care of them. It's also important to us that we ensure our mini-flocks can live peaceably together, and we already have 5+ sub-divisions!
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Looks to me like Miss Prissy has 3 Hovas PLUS a new LG???? Now how's that for an example to emulate.....

Okay, well the truth is I've decided that I don't need a third. I think that opening the hatcher to scoop hatchlings out or do dump more eggs in is not -- in spite of all advice to the contrary -- gonna make my hatches go south. So far (having done both of those things), the humidity hasn't dropped any noticeable amount, and I've spritzed a tiny bit of water in to make sure the membranes don't dry out, and.....in a huge pinch I could make a tent out of a wet towel while opening it up if I had to be in there for more than half a minute....

I'm going to limp along with two.....
I'm tough !!!!!

And anyway....where do you guys PUT all these chickens you are hatching?

I'm expanding the coop this weekend, but that is just for expansion that has already happened...forget what's coming down the pipeline....

I'm not sure if I'm addicted or not (talk about not facing reality!) I do know I've had 2 new 1588s running since late April with almost nonstop batches of eggs going in and chicks coming out. (I've washed and disinfected it in between those times....)I also know that my DH has been shaking his head unhappily when the electric bill arrives, and my 20 yr old son says that he's never come home late so many nights in his life to find me still wide awake staring into an incubator or candling eggies... I also know that my parents, who were visiting us for a week until today never asked so many chick/duckling/keet questions and I never knew I had so many answers for them.....
Oh well, When Mama's happy, everyone's happy? Too bad if they're not. I'm not addicted and I don't need Rehab. Even if I am, I don't admit anything. As an EX-CIA friend has told me"Deny everything."
Well, I need to go check on my new babies...2 Silkies and 1 keet...and 6 more keet eggs to still pip today or tomorrow.

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