Hatched his rooster 15 years ago, what is this established elderly homeowners rights agenst new 8 year old housing devlopments complaining.?

Greetings from between Conroe and Porter! Artivita is the name of our ... when the taxes get too high we have outstayed our welcome. Because yes, Houston is coming. It's only a matter of time.

I wish you a wonderful sale price for the land so you can build better on your next lot. We will be in a similar situation in a few years. Lots of big new all-year houses replacing what used to be little cabins with occasional seasonal visitors (hunters in the fall, a few weeks of summer vacations here and there). Soon the taxes and municipal "standards" will be too much for us to have the life we built here.
He should be covered under a grandfather clause. Most states have attorneys that work pro bono. You may have to google to find them. I'm sure you will find an attorney willing to help.
Also contact news outlets, bloggers, and animal rights groups.
Good luck!

Senior centers or other Department of Aging facilities often have a list of attorneys that do pro bono work. It can help find someone who specializes in issues faced by seniors as a bonus.

In every state I am aware of the State Bar Association also maintains various lists of pro bono and specialties.
There is a shockingly high number of people who have no idea where food comes from. I was with my son's class at a trip to a local dairy, and one of the mothers almost fainted when she found out where milk comes from. Another had a fit when she found out where EGGS came from. And a third incident, a woman in a feed store (no idea what she was doing there) was complaining about farm subsidies. When asked by the feed store owner where she would get her food if they killed off the farm subsidies, she said, "Why, from the grocery store!"

Here in Alabama, we actually had a lady write to the local newspaper complaining about hunters. She stated that hunting should not be allowed and that people should go buy their meat from the grocery store so no animals would get killed!!!! And these people vote!!
I read an article one time, a few years ago, that said that 8% of the US population thought chocolate milk came from brown cows. BROWN COWS!
were they under the age of 6 ? I have been known to tell those silly lies to small children. I love when they think the world is magical and then when they realize the silliness of the "fact" later. I had a dad who would tell me those things, and then as I grew up I would just be shocked (and delighted) at the silliness he made me believe in. (he is gone 20+ yrs now, and he still makes me laugh)
People are odd sometimes. Living in the city is fine with the constant noise of traffic, honking, buses, construction and the usual racket, but take them out of their element and stick them in a newly developed rural area and the mannerless birds start singing too early, the belligerent cows low to their calves to frequently, the inconsiderate coyotes wake them in the night and the occasional delinquent rooster crow is intolerable. It's like moving in next to a railway and expecting the rail company to stop the train from whistling approaching road crossings. People are VERY odd sometimes.
Odd? You are being kind. More kind than me. God bless you. Hail to the rooster!❤🐓

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