hatched my first chicks! pics and a video


7 Years
Feb 29, 2012
Goodness was this nerve racking. I read everywhere that after the 21st day if they havent hatched, throw them out. In fear of the egg exploding in the incubator. Well, against their advice I kept them in there over 4 days extra. Thank goodness for that, because sure enough we had babies hatching. We still have to stagglers, one is hatching today and another egg hasnt shown any signs and will throw out here soon if no movement happens. We did have a premi, and its neck we bent a weird way but has straightened out, and it has a weak leg that still isnt right, but oh well. I have 5 in the brooder right at this moment and one is hatching in the incubator.

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aw they are so cute! Have fun with your new feathered friends
Oh, so sweet! Next chicks we have I want to hatch. Bet they're really comfortable, having been with you all their lives. What a lucky bunch of chicks that you gave them the extra days!
Sadly enough due to some inbreeding on one of the parents life, which I didnt know about until after the fact. The babies that carried the parent who was strongly inbred gene the most passed away. They were unable to feed and drink themselves, and despite the fact I force fed and watered, there was just no hope. So out of 7 chicks that hatched only 4 are still alive. I am praying that the 4 that are still with me carry mostly the other parents gene and I wont have to face problems with them.
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