Hatchery Birds!

For all you folk who got bent out of shape by my original post, chillax. I was not out to offend anybody and if you are offended.. Well.. Not my deal, gotta learn to control those emotions
I have been responded to in the majority of my posts with people saying "DON'T GET hatchery Wyandottes, they are MEAN". Same goes with Barred Rocks. Soooo many people told me NOT to get hatchery Rocks because they are mean and bad tempered. So I do have some truth to my original statement. It seemed TO ME that hatchery birds take a back seat to show birds, but pound dogs are just as good, if not better, then any purebred show dog in my opinion

I looove all the pictures! Glad to have a thread specific to these wonderful birds. I have 6 hatchery chickens, all are very sweet and friendly. Including my Wyandottes and Rock
Keep the pictures coming! Also if you have a funny story about your hatchery chicken please do share!

I have a hatchery Barred Rock named Joon, and whenever I go out back she runs up to me talking talking talking. No idea what she is saying, but I indulge her hehe. She is 15 weeks old, and her favorite morning nap place is in this huge comfy chair. Her best friend is an EE named Munk and they are just about inseperable!
^^ Would like to know as well, he's GORGEOUS!

Thank you
he's 100% silver phoenix..he's a beautiful bird and his son's are growing up same as him ond two are developing even more than he was at a young age..
^^ Would like to know as well, he's GORGEOUS!

Thank you
he's 100% silver phoenix..he's a beautiful bird and his son's are growing up same as him ond two are developing even more than he was at a young age..

He looks really nice what hatchery did he come from ?
My favorite rooster Tiny, is a light brahma. I got him from a friend, I think he was from a hatchery, not sure. She doesnt breed brahmas so I would guess that's where he's from since she likes to order a lot of chicks all the time.


Sorry for the lack of color. I was taking pictures in this setting and dont have any others in in color.
My favorite rooster Tiny, is a light brahma. I got him from a friend, I think he was from a hatchery, not sure. She doesnt breed brahmas so I would guess that's where he's from since she likes to order a lot of chicks all the time.


Sorry for the lack of color. I was taking pictures in this setting and dont have any others in in color.
This is Gloria from MyPetChicken.com. She is about a year old, and she is very friendly. She lays beautiful green eggs, and every time I get the camera out, she poses like below.


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