hatches on on Feb 19 and 20 / BABY PICS ON PAGE 11 & 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck and God bless, I know what it's like to have a broody and no eggs hatch. It truly is sad.... that's why I have eggs in the bator and we are praying for babies this weekend!
aww sorry about that.
what happend?
*L*A*G* :

r u sure it's only day 19???? that is mighty early!

It was day 20 for the brahmas and faverolles at 7:45am this morning. And it turned day 19 for the old english at 4:30pm this afternoon. I put the old english in a day and a half later.​
*L*A*G* :

thank you very much.

i PAID for these eggs.

I know how you feel. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

No idea what happened to my one little one. DD was too hysterical and I couldn't procede. I pulled the others out as there has been no sound or movement and candled, from what I can tell I will have 0 from these hatching eggs. I will give it a few more days though I am not sure why. Nothing appeared to have grown in the others. Then I think I will clean up the bator and put it away. Paid for my eggs too and they were from nice stock
I have had a Dutch bantam chick hatch on day 17 before.

My total for hatching is 8 of 9 eggs. I mis-spoke earlier when I said I had 10, its only nine. 5 blue silkies and 3 other silkies.

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