hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

YAY!!!! i am sooooo happy you are making pogress, keep us updated.... can't wait to see pics of your new babies. mine are on day 19 and nothing yet but i still have my fingers crossed. i'll keep ya updated on my progress as well.

Bluemoon::: how are your eggs doing so far?
well i'm really not sure what will happen with my eggs anymore. my 2 yo decided to jar the bator as well as play with the knobs so my temp was down to like 98 and humidity was up to 85% for about 3 hours. then it jumped up to 105f for like 5 min. i had to open a window to let some of that heat out. i finially got it back to where it should be after about an hour of messing with it. i sure hope they will be ok. yall wish me luck. i think i saw a lil wobbling earlier today but i can't be sure if i saw it or if it was my wishful thinking combined with my eyes playing tricks on me. anyway congrats to all of you and your peeps and wobbling. keep us all updated and don't forget to post pics when those babies start hatching.
I hope after you got everything stable you were able to give your 2yo a hug! I know it makes you mad, but he didn't mean it. He was probably just trying to do what you do and take care of the eggs. I'm sure he will never touch that incubator again!!!

ahh she didn't get in trouble .... she didnt' know what she was doing so i couldnt' very well get on to her. it's like you said she was just trying to help. she knows it's babies and she loves chickens. lol


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