hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

We got our chick, and my broodie adopted it (she said I got 5 what's 1 more give it here!) cute fluffy and happy to have a momma!!!! I will get pics tomorrow, We are foster parents and we have had 7 foster children over the coarse of 3 nights and I am sleep deprived.
That is too adorable. I have one egg sitting under a broodie Silver Phoenix. I'm not keeping any of the chicks in my incubator, so I'm hoping that one of my White Cochins will look at it and say "I"m a Momma!!!!!" as they are said to do so often.

yay!!!!!! i am doing a happy dance. i woke up this morning to one of my eggs steady pecking at his lil pip hole. YAY!!!!!! now lets hope the other 2 will do the same before the day is out. i really am keeping my fingers crossed for them.
monita yay!!

25 out of 29 have hatched! The last 4 have no pips or anything but we are really happy w/ the hatch rate w/ this being our first time.
Hi All... I came in here for moral support instead of posting my own thread.
I've got 24 BBS Orps in the incubator... the pipping started this morning. They are due today so that is good. The reason I need moral support is because this time I turned the temp down a whole degree. I usually incubate and do really well with health vigor & numbers BUT consistently hatch 24 hours early. So I'm really trying to get zero'd in on that sweet spot where its still all good but also on time.

So I'm nervous...
well u have come to the right spot for moral support. the ppl here are great at that. and don't worry your babies will be fine and you will perfect your incubating skills no problem.. good luck to you! keep us updated on your progress. btw.. whatcha hatching? and we'll wanna see pics of your babies when they hatch
Thanks Monita... I'm hatching Black/Blue and Splash Orpingtons from my own flock. My first BBS hatch of my own from my own chooks.. and my 6th or 7th clutch this year. There are several pullets eggs in this group, developed well as of Day 18.

Most are already sold, so I am hoping for a good hatch.

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