hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

Bluemoon..........they are gorgeous!

Cackling hen.......congrats!!! I want a cochin really baaaaddd! Maybe next hatch.
WOW - this thread is WAY TOO MUCH FUN!

I've got eggs coming this week...it's going to be a long 3 weeks after seeing all these cutie pies!
well guys i have tried to post an update and keep getting kicked off the net. maybe it will go throough this time. (i hate dial up

I had 1 pip at 6am this morning when i woke up and he finially hatched around 1:45 this afternoon. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats everyone on your babies and all of the pics that have been posted are just beautiful. i will post a pic of my baby in just a bit.
Loving this thread!!!

All have hatched but three. They are running around in there like mad. All I hear are peeps and patters. LOL

Will post pics later.


As promised my little chick that hatched on Sunday 10/18/09, Can't wait to see what color it turns out to be, silkie!!!
and here are pic of its adopted silkie siblings, one is 3 weeks old, four 2 week olds, one and now are new one, it was a crazy hatch but healthy happy babies!!!

There are in their ugly stage, starting to feather

and one happy momma
Hey, how did I miss this thread? I have peeps hatching too. They started yesterday and I just got their brooder ready to move them over. I'll snap some pics when I move them in a bit. Congrats everyone!

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