Hatching 36 eggs after school

Well today was day 22. One chick had piped (pipped?) about 11am and hatched at about 6pm. Never having seen tbs before, I'm worried. First about the chick who was a bit bloody and laying down when we saw him last. Is this normal? When do they start walking around? Secondly, I'm worried about the other 24 eggs. None of the rest had shown and signs of hatching when I left at 6pm. Why one & none of the rest
Tomorrow your chick will be up and about. Could be that the others are just slow or do not make it but some success is better than zero. What did the kids say ? Did they see the chick hatch ?
Good luck, I'm sure you will have some more hatches, and your children will just adore the chicks. I had some of my chicks in at school today, and children do respond so very positively. It is most rewarding
Thanks everyone. The chick was up & about this morning so we put him into the brooder. No other pips though! Today is day 23. Should I candle? Sit on my hands? I'd hate for them to have internally pipped & die in the eggs. And yes, the kids did see the hatch last night and they're quite excited. Keep the suggestions coming please!
Well today is day 25 and only 3 of the 25 remaining eggs have hatched. I left the eggs in the bator in hopes that we're still just running behind but I'm doubtful at this point that we'll have any more chicks
I would candle some because it wouldnt hurt at this point. Is your humidity correct?? It may be too high or too low. I would also pip the eggs that look like there is a chick in it.
I tried candeling today but only 4 of the eggs are light enough to see through. All 25 looked like chicks were developing/ had developed. The humidity's at 70%.

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