hatching around the 26th post UPDATES here


Best of luck!!!!

I am now up to 6 hatched out 13 fertile eggs. Number 7 is now fighting to break out and I have 3 two more pipping. My first pip was 8:30am on Yesterday the 27th at 8:30am and we are still going.

Willow I am sure it want be long now before you have some zipping their way into the world. Woooo Hoooo!
Day 20. Still waiting for the first pip. The waiting is maddening!
I'll just drive myself crazy looking into that incubator! Like that is going to help matters!
My little buttons are not due until Fri and I think they are going to be late due to temperature drop. That is going to put me on pins and needles darn it
One of my ameracaunas died.
I knew it was going to. It had very severely curled toes, it walked on its knuckles, if you can picture that. I tried booting it, but I think that just made it worse. Plus my 1 golden lakenvelder chick that hatched is still not walking right. It just wobbles around on its 'elbows' like they do when they first hatch, and it is over a day old.
Don't know what the deal is.

My 2 serama babies that are sharing the brooder with the new ones were laying on the dead ameraucana. I guess they were trying to warm it up...the seramas are about 3 weeks old. They have become the 'moms' of the group.

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