Hatching Buddy wanted for Eggs in on August 5th & 6th

I'm a couple days behind you guys, but close enough to join in I guess. Set my eggs on the evening of the 8th...so I coun't the 9th as day 1. I have a few Mille D'anvers, Creele OE's, Blue Wheaten OE's, Spangled OE's, and BTW Japs in together. Not shipped eggs, and none of them were over 5 days old, so I'm hoping for an excelent hatch. I should have some eggs coming from the Aug egg swap soon too, but that will be a staggered hatch. Good luck to all!
Just remember....19 days!!! I've ruined a serama hatch or two by locking down too late...
is it normal to feel paniced all the time about the eggs i keep checking them all the time they are salmon faverolles hopefully x
Yes, it is completely normal. The first time I set eggs I was a nervous wreck. I am still nervous this time because I really want these to hatch. There is nothing like being a worried chicken mom again!
Well I tried to set mine under my broody bantam and guess that didn't work to well, she got off the nest this morning to eat and hubby said she didn't go back and the eggs were cool by the time he told me
. I put them back in bator and candled again tonight on the 4 mottled cochin/mix and 2 silkie or bantam not sure on those and had all kinds of movement in them. Had to pull one 2 nights ago. I sure hope it didn't hurt them any, pretty warm outside anyway. Wishing everyone luck!
i believe there maybe 2 of my 7 chicken eggs with nothing in but im not really sure what im looking for when i candle them all i can see is a dark patch with a round bit in, god im going to be so rubbish at this, do u think it will be ok to leave all the eggs in till they are ment to hatch or will they start to smell im just worried i could be wrong x
I just don't feel like my little eggs are doing very well. So to make myself feel better I ordered some chicks from Welp hatchery. They are due to arrive the same day that the baby chicks are to hatch.

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