Hatching chicks and ducklings together?

Ok thankyou
thats good
how many is she still sitting on, and are u going to put them in a brooder or let her raise them

I would like one of those chocolate coloured call ducks, but i heard call ducks are very hard to hatch

That's all I hatch out..
Yes much help I am in my 19th day so I what to cover all ground that I can if something would to come up and I need to act fast.
Yes this is my first batch I have mostly chicks now as I didn't realize until yesterday that all my pekins are all females.

This was my over sight but on the good side I bought 8 little pekins to get my flock up and hopefully get a drake I cant go wrong with 8 could u ?
Chances are really good. LOL
Yes much help I am in my 19th day so I what to cover all ground that I can if something would to come up and I need to act fast.
Yes this is my first batch I have mostly chicks now as I didn't realize until yesterday that all my pekins are all females. :(
This was my over sight but on the good side I bought 8 little pekins to get my flock up and hopefully get a drake I cant go wrong with 8 could u ?
You should be fine, just as long as you have lots of space in your brooder and they can get away from the chicks and have their own spot. Having 8 should be fine. :)

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