Hatching double yolk eggs


7 Years
Nov 7, 2014
Hi i am a new member here and I have a question ...
One of my rhode island red hens started laying ..
She laid the first egg and after 2 weeks she laid another one and 2 days later she laid another one and they were all double yolks
the first egg was eaten :)
And when she laid the second one we decided to buy an incubator to hatch it then she laid the third egg . 
now we have both eggs in the incubator they are fertile and we can see the embryos 
My question is how to successfully hatch the eggs ??? I read that they won't be able to hatch on their own ??

What do you suggest ???

 the hen got sick after laying the third egg and we think she was egg bound she kept pushing and she was in pain but she was eating normally. Her vent was really red so we applied olive oil but that didn't help we gave her a warm bath that didn't help too and we injected olive oil into her vent to help her pass the egg and we gave her medicine in the water two days later she was getting worse so I gave her more medicine and then next day we found a very soft shelled egg and the hen was healthy again !!
We think that she laid that soft egg 
We just hope she can lay more double yolks without problems ..
Welcome to BYC... I've never had to double yolk so I can't really help you with that. I know some people on here have been successful.
If you do a search about hatching double yolks (through backyard chickens) you'll probably find lots of good information.
Good luck
Welcome to BYC... I've never had to double yolk so I can't really help you with that. I know some people on here have been successful.
If you do a search about hatching double yolks (through backyard chickens) you'll probably find lots of good information.
Good luck

Thanks I have read some posts but they were very old
So I thought maybe now theres more info about hatching double yolks
Yeah I already saw that post but the chicks didn't make it .. So that doesn't help much 

I starte incubating the first egg in 27-10-2014
The second one in 29-10-2014 

Only a week to go for the first one and I'm trying to gather as much information as possible before hatching day 

From the old posts that I read I learned that I should wait alittle longer twins may take longer time to hatch 

And by day 20 if the other chick dont pip I have to make a hole for him so he wont suffocate 
Although I think both chicks will pip because the shell is a bit thinner than the usual 
Yes I read it today it was very informative I'm liking this site there are so many new things to learn here
Glad I joined !!

I'd still appreciate more info and advice from breeders with personal experience !!

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