Hatching egg arrival, angry postman and homemade automatic egg turner failure.


6 Years
Apr 5, 2014
We wear cowboy hats here guess where?
So i was really getting freaked out when my egg's didn't arrive yesterday but they got here today about 5pm roughly an hour or so after the normal mail. so i'll be setting a day late for the cino de mayo HAL

I think most of my post people around here are NFL rejects that like to pretend that they are throwing the winning goal but not with a football with my packages. I was getting ready to cook dinner when a sound a kin to someone kicking my door rang through the living room, I thought one of the neighborhood kids had just over shot a goal and had hit my door with a soccer ball. But when i opened my front door to throw the ball back i realized it wasn't a ball at all. It was my egg's from Meyers With very clear not 1 but 3 FRAGILE Hatching egg stickers on it!! But thank goddess meyers had packed the egg with enough Styrofoam to sink a ship so all the egg's are OK to my knowledge.

On a second note my Automatic egg turner experiment failed. I had saw a video on you-tube on how to make one but when i had tried i couldn't figure out how to attach the wood to the tiny gear on the motor. If the wood attached to the gear doesn't turn the egg's don't turn. So now i'm stuck, my homemade incubator is too small for a commercial egg turner not that i would have enough money to buy one if it could fit. I'm kind of mad but their really is nothing i can do but return the motor and turn the eggs by hand and hope everything else goes ok with the hatch.

Other then that i'll be trying to hatch out 3 RIR's and 3 assorted bantams
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I would be yelling at the postal worker for sure! I don't expect them to treat them quite as gently as I would(like a newborn) but at least have some respect for the people you serve. As for the turner, I have no experience with them at all. Home made incubator that I need to turn everything by hand. I actually enjoy that part, makes me feel like I am actually doing some work. LOL
I would be yelling at the postal worker for sure! I don't expect them to treat them quite as gently as I would(like a newborn) but at least have some respect for the people you serve. As for the turner, I have no experience with them at all. Home made incubator that I need to turn everything by hand. I actually enjoy that part, makes me feel like I am actually doing some work. LOL
thanks really nice to know that you can successfully hatch out egg's without a turner what are your hatch rate and how many times a day do you turn them?
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Well, I'm working on my second hatch now, on day 9. My first hatch had 4 eggs, if I hadn't freaked out and intervened I would have had 3 out of 4 hatch. One was a quitter. I turn them three times a day,usually a half turn but once in a while a 1/4 turn. The clutch I have in now I started with 10 eggs and now down to 9 as one wasn't fertile. I think that is pretty good for a beginner. I'm still learning so much but I check the temps numerous times a day and for the most part everything has been pretty easy. Makes it easier that I'm a stay at home mom too.
A friend of mine who grew up on a farm told me they only turned twice a day. They had a big wooden box that they put a light bulb into, turned twice a day and spritzed with water twice a day and had a huge success rate of hatching chicks.

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