Hatching eggs from purely poultry?


Oct 15, 2018
Has anyone ordered hatching eggs from purely poultry? I am hoping to order some in the spring to incubate, but I would like to have opinions on the company beforehand. I am wanting to order Cayuga duck hatching eggs if that helps.
im currently hatching chicken eggs from meyer and have quail eggs from purely poultry ready to set next week. I have been very happy so far with the quality and service with both hatcheries. I ordered silkie chicks from Purely Poultry that are now 8 weeks old. 14 are happy, healthy and beautiful. They refunded for #15 due to leg issues. He is now my “special needs” chick and brooder box captain! Check back with me around Thanksgiving for an update on quail hatch!
I know my friend ordered some goslings from there and they are very healthy and noisy Idk if this helps but good luck I’m hatching my pet chicken eggs so wish me luck if you want!
Thank you! Good luck to you on your chickens! I want to incubate my Pekin duck eggs, but unfortunately none have been fertile when I tried.
im currently hatching chicken eggs from meyer and have quail eggs from purely poultry ready to set next week. I have been very happy so far with the quality and service with both hatcheries. I ordered silkie chicks from Purely Poultry that are now 8 weeks old. 14 are happy, healthy and beautiful. They refunded for #15 due to leg issues. He is now my “special needs” chick and brooder box captain! Check back with me around Thanksgiving for an update on quail hatch!

Thank you! I am hoping they will have some Cayuga eggs available around spring. I really want my kids to be able to watch a live hatch. Good luck with your quail!
If possible, I'd try to find eggs from a breeder instead :) The ducklings you hatch will be much better quality that way, and you can find a breeder that selects for the nice black eggs, if that's what you're looking for. Hatcheries really don't select for egg color or good breed quality.

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