Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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The USPS website-it is free to use, and also gives you a discount on shipping. Order free boxes from there too. The Regional rate box A is the perfect size to ship many things and is good for up to 15 pounds. I can ship to anywhere in the East, and West to probably CO for around $6 by using this box and printing postage online. Regional rate boxes are only available online though!
Thanks so much. I didn't know there were regional rates. I have been shipping stuff to my daughter, also in California, using the higher fixed-rate priority boxes.
What happened to the thread???

Thank you for your patience as the mods mop this up once again.
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A mod closed it... Guess we have to wait to see what the outcome is.

Thank you for your patience as the mods mop this up once again.
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In Cali it costs us more to ship, because we are far away from everyone. If you  have med/small eggs, you have a few options. Both of these options require a fair bit of wrapping and bubble pack.  Or a double box, but if you double box, you need to be able to get boxes from something other then the PO usually. It also requires you to buy your postage online and order boxes from the PO. Not hard, in fact it saves you money and is free.
First weigh your box.  If you don't have any  way of doing this,  just use a regional rate box. I have a scale I used to sue for rescued kittens,  you can get accurate scales from a lot of places, but YMMV.

 Then go to your favorite  shipping site ( stamps.com, or click and ship on the USPS PO site or some other site)   and put in the zip code and weight of your box and look at options.

Compare  straight shipping with regional rate box a or b ( depending on what you had to use to ship your eggs)  If its over 1.2 lbs, USUALLY RRA is cheaper, but once again, YMMV. If it is under, its usually cheaper to send it reg priority mail unless your sending to Florida or New Hampshire , etc. Regional rate a is going to be about 9.79 for  us. Reg  Priority mail can be as low as 6, and as high as 15 for  eggs depending on what you use to pack. 

You will find certain places in the country you have to pack like a MADWOMAN to get eggs safely there.  There are 2 people I swap with who have NEVER not gotten a broken egg nor have I  from them. There is one sorting center between us that is brutal. Don't know what one, but  its there.

Once you ship your eggs, you want to check with your partner about how they  got there for feedback on how you are packing. It takes a  few boxes to get it down, IMO. You want feedback not ONLY on  if the eggs arrived cracked. but if the air cells arrived intact.  You cant always do anything about that, but you want most of the air cells intact.  if you are around a brutal sorting center and have to always double box, shipping will end up costing more. Mostly I find putting the eggs in a carton as a second box   or  making a "box" out of bubble pack works in California, but once again, YMMV.  You wont be able to guarantee the air cells,  but if they are continually  getting  scrambled eggs, you need to back  to absorb the shocks  and vibration of postage better.

At first you are nervous, then you get it, then its fun :D.
Great info and suggestions. Thank you.
Boo! the swap is closed right now... I'm going to go through withdrawal...

Thank you for your patience as the mods have to mop this up once again.
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It seems when I get eggs east of me they get scrambled. West always make it fine and so does south.
I got my first shipped eggs from MA. They got to me in four days. I couldn't even see the air sacs in them but I managed to hatch four out of seven eggs. The eggs I am getting from the swap are from FL. I will check and see if I have similar experience as yours.
Oh, for California it will be MUCH easier and cheaper. but, once again, for things like cloths, sometimes reg priority is cheaper then flat rate. All depends on weight.

I learend a lot about shipping from the people on this thread!
It seems when I get eggs east of me they get scrambled. West always make it fine and so does south.

It has taken me a while, but I'm finally figuring out which areas will fly the eggs direct to MT, so I get them in 2 days... Atlanta is one for sure. Another is Dallas. I wonder if we all went to our respective postmasters if we could get lists of which cities fly packages in to nearby...

I've also had scrambled eggs from all over, regardless of whether they were marked as eggs, just fragile, or not at all (though these have been the worst for me). I think it really depends on the hands and machines the eggs meet along the way =/
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