Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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If that was the only chicken that was left, I would no longer own or breed chickens. Nope. I would quit. UGLY

Yes you are right it is extremely ugly. So extremely ugly it's almost cute. Lol.

Please keep in mind I have had 2 hrs sleep in the last 36. On overnights kids are sick and I came home this morning to 2 new kids out in the barn
What a kind, caring son you have, Candace. You must be very proud of him!

I read about every 5 or 6 pages and am sure I missed a ton. Probably not a bad thing as I've been trying hard to avoid this thread. Way too much temptation over here!

I hope everyone is well.
My first buff brahma bantam chick died.  He pipped externally about a day or two early, the chick that hatched before him was a sticky/crusty chick, so I upped the humidity and my brahma drowned!  I don't know what to do.  Any suggestions on easy ways to calibrate a hygrometer?  

I would say if the first chick was sticky, the second was too. It drowned becuase it was sticky, if that makes sense. If your humidity was too low for too long, all the clicks will have their membrane tight, if you up the humidity too much, they will be stuck and the extra humidity will drown them before they can move.
So what you're saying is its meant to be seeing as she's in Amite!!!!

Exactly!!! I talked to the guy today and he seems very nice. He said he has been raising poultry for over 40 years and all his stock from master exhibitors.

:fl Best of luck! Maybe put on some Frank Sinatra music in the coop and dull the lights... ;)

Too funny!

Happy Belated Birthday Billie Sue

x2! Happy Birthday!!! And that quiet evening sounds like it was a perfect birthday.
I had a busy but good day today. I ran errands with my mom and we got to visit with ssterling for a bit. What a beautiful family! Off to the ballpark after that to watch DH's team play in a softball tourney, and now the kids and I are about to grab a bite to eat. DH still has 2 more games to play!
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