Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I am always the receiver so I need to learn the ways of "The Force" to become a good sender.

things I do have LOTS of experience with is opening the boxes and -- the sometimes very difficult -- opening the egg wraps. On some boxes it is like the shipper wanted to 'water/leak-proof' the box with the ribbed packing tape. Could be strength and knife handling test =:~). Then there's the eggs in bubble wrap tightly, did I say tightly tight enough, and then taped all around. Sure thing that no air will ever get through that plastic for days. Plus the thrill of seeing if you can unwrap them without breaking or dropping -- done both -- as you cannot get an edge to pull (never pull tabs on those =:~) and there is no way a little scissor or knife can get under to assist (with holding your breath and praying) as you try not to put a crush dent in the shell.

Then, especially on the swap stuff here, "postage due" for a only few cents less what the shipper paid (about $6 each of us). No big deal in the scheme of life, I know........ But, on a different day having that $6 in my hand at that time could have been the difference of another day and town trip.

my vent of the month ....... as a receiver of the goods.

let the happy shipping and excited receiving resume k/

Wait, what? You have to pay postage due on the eggs you receive from swaps? I've not experienced that! Ouch.
These chickies are poppin' out like popcorn.
GBO, will they all look the same when feathered out? I got some white ones in there. I was expecting they'd all be black.
You I don't know. I hatched out 3 and 2 look like Cuckoo marans but have the pea combs and other looks more like a mostlty black with a little white Ameracuana.
Wait, what? You have to pay postage due on the eggs you receive from swaps? I've not experienced that! Ouch.
No, not really. It was sent in one kind of box but with the label probably done on the computer for a different class of shipping. Simple mistake, I guess, and as it doesn't get calculated by a postal money taker until it gets to distribution and then they tag it "postage due" ..... just irritating if you aren't expecting it and didn't have cash handy at the moment. Esp. as the $15 pp (min) was set to cover the cost of packing and shipping on these small exchanges. The cost of some of my eggs have been about $10-15 per egg + shipping so if I offer them it is with the understanding that that is not calculated into the offering. The shipping is. That's why we (okay, I) actually kinda start drooling over wanting to get a "Mine" in quickly on some of the high-end, hard-to-come-by offerings. We know we want a great deal!
Put big grins in here!
No, not really. It was sent in one kind of box but with the label probably done on the computer for a different class of shipping. Simple mistake, I guess, and as it doesn't get calculated by a postal money taker until it gets to distribution and then they tag it "postage due" ..... just irritating if you aren't expecting it and didn't have cash handy at the moment. Esp. as the $15 pp (min) was set to cover the cost of packing and shipping on these small exchanges. The cost of some of my eggs have been about $10-15 per egg + shipping so if I offer them it is with the understanding that that is not calculated into the offering. The shipping is. That's why we (okay, I) actually kinda start drooling over wanting to get a "Mine" in quickly on some of the high-end, hard-to-come-by offerings. We know we want a great deal!
Put big grins in here!
I think the person who sent you the eggs should reimburse you the $6. They are responsible for the shipping and if they didn't cover it all technically they didn't sufficiently complete their swap...I would think.
I am always the receiver so I need to learn the ways of "The Force" to become a good sender.

things I do have LOTS of experience with is opening the boxes and -- the sometimes very difficult -- opening the egg wraps. On some boxes it is like the shipper wanted to 'water/leak-proof' the box with the ribbed packing tape. Could be strength and knife handling test =:~). Then there's the eggs in bubble wrap tightly, did I say tightly tight enough, and then taped all around. Sure thing that no air will ever get through that plastic for days. Plus the thrill of seeing if you can unwrap them without breaking or dropping -- done both -- as you cannot get an edge to pull (never pull tabs on those =:~) and there is no way a little scissor or knife can get under to assist (with holding your breath and praying) as you try not to put a crush dent in the shell.

Then, especially on the swap stuff here, "postage due" for a only few cents less what the shipper paid (about $6 each of us). No big deal in the scheme of life, I know........ But, on a different day having that $6 in my hand at that time could have been the difference of another day and town trip.

my vent of the month ....... as a receiver of the goods.

let the happy shipping and excited receiving resume k/

If this was from this thread you need to contact Racheal after you contact the person who sent you the eggs and ask that you be refunded for there shipping mistake. If they don't like I said I would contact Rach, and I bet they wouldn't be allowed to swap until they paid the differance. That is uncalled for you having to pay to recieve your package. I would bet it was a silly mistake over looked and they will gladly reimburse your money.
I would be very embarrassed if I was the sender. I weigh mine, then add extra to the shipping weight when printing the label so I know it's covered. I hope you let that person know??
. I would bet it was a silly mistake over looked and they will gladly reimburse your money.
I am sure that is what happened as it seemed to Hans (my postmaster dude, always soooo good to my many egg babies) that there was a mix up in the type of service paid for -- parcel post verses priority verses flat rate.

I am not going to worry about it. Just a note to remind shippers of the little things... =:~)

As many 'boxes' as I have had come in, I probably have had them come in every way -- super great, good, not so good, and really bad -- as you can imagine.

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