Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Really I am not arguing my point but protein is MUCH harder to digest than starch. I have read tons on feeding chickens, followed up on all the stuff that I read to see what seemed logical to me and what I found was it really is just a myth.... but it is ok if you want to feed corn... not going to hurt them.
I don't feed corn. Scratch is a treat occasionally but that's it.
I fed mine some Cheetoes today.

Hey...if I get to eat the junk food than they should get to taste it, too. you only live once!

so most of the time they eat organic good-for-you food but just like me sometimes they get a treat.

hmmm...speaking of which, I have some chocolate in the kitchen that is calling my name....
Let me try to guess. Blue roo over barred hen? Then the f1 would be blue/black barred roosters and you would breed that to original hen?

Oops I was so wrong!!
Barred roo x blue and splash hens. 100% barred babies.... I didn't use the roos since they were all carrying a single copy of the barring gene. I keep breed the blue barred pullets back to a reg barred Rock roo.
I went out and removed the heat lamp from the coop and brought it back inside.
Sitting on hands. I'm pretty certain that the heat lamp in the coop isn't because the chickens need it or even want it...I think it's there because it is the way humans wish to perceive in which temperatures a chicken is most comfortable, and not the chickens' requirements at all.

I went out there to check on them and they were nowhere near the heat lamp. Both of them were stuffed on the opposite side of the coop, on the roost highest to the coop ceiling, at the very edge (as far away from the heat lamp as chickenly possible).

...so out it went.
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yeah...they grabbed and ran off. others gave chase. fun was had by all.

I am convinced that the amount of energy they expended running around and chasing after each other was cumulatively more than the little Cheeto piece. so it was more like an exercize prigram with a reward for the fittest. LOL
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