Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I am not far from Springfield. I could meet him at i-24 if needed.

Sorry about his father... he may not be in the MOOD to get eggs though.
He said "not this time honey, I dont know how this weekend will go, maybe when we go back up at spring break." He is such a sweet heart.
I just read this on FB and thought I would pass it on:

Please contact Paris Gannon on FB if you have any info

Everybody in Southern Indiana be on the look out for somebody who has "magically" acquired a flock of Lavender Orpingtons. A whole flock was stolen a few nights ago. Big beautiful birds! I can get a message to the owner if you have any info!
Oh my this is my fear until I get my security under lock and key.
I am spending tonight in Frederick, MD. Man those mountains were not fun. I forget what a pain it is to floor it up the mountain and break the whole way back down! I have lots of chirpy chicks! So far everything is going great! So today I was in MI, IN, OH, WV, and MD! 5 states in one day! I am beat!
I am spending tonight in Frederick, MD. Man those mountains were not fun. I forget what a pain it is to floor it up the mountain and break the whole way back down! I have lots of chirpy chicks! So far everything is going great! So today I was in MI, IN, OH, WV, and MD! 5 states in one day! I am beat!
Sleep well and see you tomorrow!

I hate to read about people having birds stolen :( Terrible. Hope they find them. No one rolls up here to steal anything. Too many dogs and too much gunfire on a regular basis.
Ok is it good or bad we just went to a chicken class at our CO OP, we had almost every breed of chicken they talked about and the ones on their slide show. The only ones we did't have were Cochins and Black sex links.
I am spending tonight in Frederick, MD. Man those mountains were not fun. I forget what a pain it is to floor it up the mountain and break the whole way back down! I have lots of chirpy chicks! So far everything is going great! So today I was in MI, IN, OH, WV, and MD! 5 states in one day! I am beat!
I can only imagine! sleep well and I hope to see you tomorrow! (have you revised your schedualled time to be at Snap's at all?)
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