Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Morning.............. still sick and have chores to do but to give a quick answer to Krafty.

Goto the fresh from FL website. You can email them asking them for help and guidance with the AG department on what you should do and they usually send links, contact info ect to get you started.

You also can contact:
  • county extension
  • code enforcement (finding out what permits needed if you want to use signage at your property)
  • county tax office

Be sure when contacting the county you are stressing your entension is agriculture and farming related.

FL has a right to farm act which allows farms to errect fences, buildings/structures (like for housing animals/equipment) without permits and fees to do so. You can find the minimum space and maximum number of hoof stock, pigs, ect permitted for the amount of land you own as well. There are property tax breaks as well for being a farm/ag
Good morning everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know all the chicks are doing great! I am loving the three little spitz chicks we are keeping at the house. When I feed one of them hops up onto my arm to visit. They make those cute little happy chick chortles all the time. They may be a little spoiled by the time they get to CPL.

Well I came to VA from MI hoping to thaw out a little only to have it snow here yesterday!! Not enough to stick but still!! I think I should take a month off work and just stay down here until spring really arrives! I am not looking forward to going back to the cold.
Madamwlf sorry about your kits. Maybe next time.

I am sure I am missing something.... sorry my mind is kinda fried.

It was a totally mixed day here. Woke up to a tub full of water..... we have been having issues with water draining and it just came to a head. Luckily it was a easy fix just time consuming. We were late getting to the farm and had a full day of projects to do. But made good progress. Later in the day my mother called and told me my father was on his way to the hospital. He had a Cat-Scan or MRI done today for some back pain issues and they found out he had a BROKEN NECK..... YES REALLY. The Dr were shocked he was not already paralyzed. The Dr told him the surgery was VERY VERY Risky and he may not be able to walk after, but it could snap his spinal cord anytime as it is. The Dr is going out of town for the weekend so he just sent him home..... REALLY? NOTHING no neck brace NOTHING? He will be 80 his birthday. This can't be good. He will not be a happy man if he can't get around. He sings with his friends every week, gardens.... just anything he want to do he does. Hubby had an invalid mother so I know it will not be easy and it will just be on me. My brother is in FL and not in the best health either so he will be no help.

To top it all off hubby found out our neighbor across the street son had SHOT our window this morning. I heard it but had no idea what that sound was. It is the window to the main walkway of the house and the room my baby sleeps in.... COME ON? WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING....... NOT THINKING. The parents are going to fix it and she said she was going to BREAK the BB gun. SO glad we had a storm window with a film on it that stopped it from hitting the real window glass.

Things really happen in threes huh? I got them all today. Oddly it has still not been a bad day. My son (4) can read pretty well. He has a puzzle with letters and was spelling out works tonight all by his self. At bed time we were cleaning up the puzzle pieces and I asked him what this word was..... he said DOG..... well he spelled GOD.... irony he always pops up when you need him. I think he just moved the letters and forgot.

NEEDLESS TO SAY... if you PM me and don't hear from me I am not ignoring you. Next week we should know something about surgery.
I'm so sorry. I will be sending positive thoughts your way. I hope everything goes well.

AyeUp, You are a fount of information!

DM, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, I hope he will be able to do all the things he loves after the surgery.

Krafty, I'm no help with the farm license thing since this is NotAFarm
Madamwlf sorry about your kits. Maybe next time.

I am sure I am missing something.... sorry my mind is kinda fried.

It was a totally mixed day here. Woke up to a tub full of water..... we have been having issues with water draining and it just came to a head. Luckily it was a easy fix just time consuming. We were late getting to the farm and had a full day of projects to do. But made good progress. Later in the day my mother called and told me my father was on his way to the hospital. He had a Cat-Scan or MRI done today for some back pain issues and they found out he had a BROKEN NECK..... YES REALLY. The Dr were shocked he was not already paralyzed. The Dr told him the surgery was VERY VERY Risky and he may not be able to walk after, but it could snap his spinal cord anytime as it is. The Dr is going out of town for the weekend so he just sent him home..... REALLY? NOTHING no neck brace NOTHING? He will be 80 his birthday. This can't be good. He will not be a happy man if he can't get around. He sings with his friends every week, gardens.... just anything he want to do he does. Hubby had an invalid mother so I know it will not be easy and it will just be on me. My brother is in FL and not in the best health either so he will be no help.

To top it all off hubby found out our neighbor across the street son had SHOT our window this morning. I heard it but had no idea what that sound was. It is the window to the main walkway of the house and the room my baby sleeps in.... COME ON? WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING....... NOT THINKING. The parents are going to fix it and she said she was going to BREAK the BB gun. SO glad we had a storm window with a film on it that stopped it from hitting the real window glass.

Things really happen in threes huh? I got them all today. Oddly it has still not been a bad day. My son (4) can read pretty well. He has a puzzle with letters and was spelling out works tonight all by his self. At bed time we were cleaning up the puzzle pieces and I asked him what this word was..... he said DOG..... well he spelled GOD.... irony he always pops up when you need him. I think he just moved the letters and forgot.

NEEDLESS TO SAY... if you PM me and don't hear from me I am not ignoring you. Next week we should know something about surgery.

Thoughts and prayers going out to you.
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