Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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oh, and I forgot to say that it looks like of the 6 EO Maradunna Basque eggs that CPL sent (that hatched,) 5 are girls! (!!!!)
only one has while feathers, the others have sort of mottled wingfeathers coming in.

and 4 of the Silver Sussex hatched (under my broodies) from CR farm they all look identical, though so I will probably have to wait to tell what sex they are...do silver sussex have any identifyiny traits that allow you to tell them apart early? (like early wing feathering on girls or something?)
You should get a copy of the SOP Book since the standards are copyright protected and not found online sadly. Well worth the investment and the color pictures are fun to look at too.
agree with profti...they grow better, healthier, bigger and faster with the gamebird/showbird feed, you can feed chick starter, but...
when they get bigger, I switch to a small bitesize high protein dog/cat food instead of the "specialty" feed, cause it's so expensive here, and I have to drive an hour to get it.

oh and congrats! you will love them!

Interesting idea with the high quality kibble. We have easy access in the area to super top quality cat/dog food, and giving the voracious turkeys something too big for the others to snack on would be a nice treat. I'm going to shop for some today and see what they think.
Thanks for all the well wishes for daddy. He is NOT using the walker and even made stew from scratch for lunch.... he is going to be fine.
Maybe tomorrow I will quit taking him food

He's a tough one. Nice to hear he's doing well.

I couldn’t get onto the computer yesterday because our phone lines are down for some reason! (DSL) Technicians are supposed to come out today to see what’s wrong. So I got on here and had 150 unread posts! But read them all. Celtic…your pictures are always so gorgeous. And I enjoyed the chick and duckling pictures, too. HollowOak…I love your morning greeting everyday…it makes me smile! Madam-want pictures of your new fodder system! I tried fodder but I kept getting mold growth. I read up more and heard that Hydrogen peroxide in the water can help with that. Haven’t had the time to try again, but look forward to hearing your experiences and I am going to try again, armed with this new knowledge.

Well, we had a very busy weekend. Let me just state for the record that Coccidiosis sucks. But we finished the new coop (YAY!!!!) and I built a new brooder with a wire mesh floor for the indoor chicks. And the remaining chicks in the ICU box are all eating and drinking and I think they may live. Bloody poop has stopped.

I think it was particularly bad because I caught it so late. I was erroneously thinking that I had somehow transported the MG inside to the chicks and that they were just going to be droopy for a few days and get over it. I should have known when none of them sneezed. Hindsight is 20/20.


I have never experienced Coccidiosis before…wow. That was rough. I honestly can say that it puts some perspective on the MG thing. I haven’t lost a single bird to MG (If they have it, my birds are totally asymptomatic) but the coccidia was lightning fast in taking out ½ my Dorkings chicks. Still don’t know why BM6 and CPL’s chicks fared so well. Not a single loss there. I had them in the same brooder. But I am feeling a lot better having them all up on wire. And I am using puppy piddle pads underneath so all I have to do is roll the pads up and throw them away. SO much easier than before!!!!!

I think I even solved the feed-falling-though-the-mesh problem…I made a very shallow tray for the feed with the 1/2” hardware cloth over top so they can scratch all they want and the feed will stay put. But their beaks are still small enough that they can get the food.

I was in the woodshop and outside solid the whole weekend until 10:30 at night. I ate lunch out in the goat coop watching the broody momma with her chicks. (That was cool…I needed some healthy chick time) I came to work today to get a break!!!

DH is leaving for his vacation to France tomorrow. Sucks not having any vacation time, but I wouldn’t want to go right now anyway…I need to be here to make sure the chicks pull through this. He is meeting a couple of friends of his from college over there and they are going sightseeing at WW2 museums and sights so I’d be bored out of my scull anyway. And he deserves a break after being such a wonderful help to me this weekend. I couldn’t have made it without him. He is a self-starter and even though he is not into the chickens, he does things to help without any prodding whatsoever and even volunteers to help do things I haven’t even thought of yet.

Reading through your troubles and the other folks' ideas helped me figure out why some of my own chicks have died - it was Cocci! Although I've researched chick/chicken ills in the past, I didn't put together the symptoms properly for some reason. I've only been raising chickens for two years, and it's surprising how steep the learning curve can be when you are doing it alone. But! Corid is now in their water, and they all look very sprightly. No more losses, either. Can't thank you enough.
You should get a copy of the SOP Book since the standards are copyright protected and not found online sadly. Well worth the investment and the color pictures are fun to look at too.

That's the next big book purchase for my chicken library. Heard this advice repeated over and over on the specific breed threads, and at the show I attended. Makes sense to me!

Madamwlf, one, and possibly two of the Chocolate Orp bantams are still developing! They go into lockdown in a few days.
:frow   G'morning peeps!!  Yet another work week interfering with life.  Caught a nasty big ole rat last night.  I think it was living in the compost pile before it was moved and it moved into the rabbit area.  Set traps last night and no more rat.  Hoping to get the bantam orp coop and pen done today after work if it stops raining.  And did I tell ya the bantam Chocolate Wyandottes are looking great!!!  I have 3 roosters crowing already.  

My white bresse boy started crowing yesterday!!!!!!
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