Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Holy balls! I thought I went through a lot of feed! I had to get off my butt and start getting the brewery grain again so I could keep a budget! I filled those big blue round tubs with it... one's a third gone already, and that's in 29 hours! They eat so much food that it seriously makes me wonder if it's worth it! I don't even have any chicken or duck in the freezer anymore and none are anywhere near ready for butcher.

I buy about 2400lbs of layer and pullet grower (varies what I buy depending on what I have more of at the time) And I buy 300-400 lbs a month of chick starter. We supliment the pullet grower with the spent grains. The other just get straight feed. I would love to have a chicken garden and grow fodder in the cooler months. ANYTHING to help with the feed bill. But they pay for themselves so I can't complain too much.

I do need to thin down a little. I am getting about 4 doz eggs a day. I don't have many I am willing to part with, but I know I will sell a few BR (I was using them to make sex links) I have a pen full of project chickens. I am going to move a roo in with them soon, but after I hatch a few hundred LOL I will sell all those pullets off too. That will really help since I must have about 20 pullet in that pen.

We have had SOOO Much rain my poor pens are a muddy muddy mess. More rain coming. Maybe hubby will help me this week and we will dig everything out and have our neighbor come over and put some creek gravel in the runs. I hate muddy eggs and chickens. My poor WL are so NOT white right now
Sometimes, it is so hard to be good. So many different chickens I would love to have. Not only that, but it would be nice to have more of the ones that I have decided on (I think I had around 20ish breeds that I had to have, I took it down to four). Then, there are ducks and geese and turkeys too. I just need a few more acres...Last year, DH asked me, while I was sleeping, what I wanted for mother's day. I told him "Chhhiiiiickkkkennnssss." He asked me last night, while awake, what I want this year. Do you think he would buy me a farm? I only need a few more acres... :gig Ah well, I will continue to be disciplined. Not nearly as much fun though :idunno

Lol, that's funny, that's what I would say, too...

Madam, can't help you with the brahmas, but WOW, they are beautiful!!

COF... sorry to hear about the story with the goslings, it is weird when people think they can get what they want by intimidation, it really just doesn't make sense... I'm trying to be a good customer!!

I really want to try the FF, I have ACV from Profti, but I'm a little intimidated, I think I need more buckets, first...
We have had unusually wet weather this year also. Utah is a desert, and there are areas near me that have flooded. Pretty insane. I love the smell of spring rains here though...wet dirt, I love it :)
Our water out front is finally GONE! Now a week of drying and 3 truck loads of new soil coming in.

This years weather pattern is insane! So much late snow is only going to add to flooding for so many.
Hi guys, I just wanted to stop in and give an isbar update. We're still not up to 3 weeks away from the bresse roo yet, but the hens actually gave me two eggs yesterday and two today so I popped 'em in the incubator for the heck of it. The first fertility test was 0% development which leads me to believe I was correct, that the bresse roo isn't mating age yet. I'm not sure the isbar roos are yet either but if they aren't, they will be eventually! Anyone know how quick they mature?
does your area suffer from mud slides if too much rain in the spring?
We had an entire church congregation taken out many ears ago from a mudslide. so sad. but that was because a hurricane stalled out over us...not normal for them to make it this far inland and still be that strong.
I buy about 2400lbs of layer and pullet grower (varies what I buy depending on what I have more of at the time)  And I buy 300-400 lbs a month of chick starter.  We supliment the pullet grower with the spent grains.  The other just get straight feed.   I would love to have a chicken garden and grow fodder in the cooler months.  ANYTHING to help with the feed bill.  But they pay for themselves so I can't complain too much.

I do need to thin down a little. I am getting about 4 doz eggs a day.  I don't have many I am willing to part with, but I know I will sell a few BR (I was using them to make sex links) I have a pen full of project chickens.  I am going to move a roo in with them soon, but after I hatch a few hundred LOL I will sell all those pullets off too.  That will really help since I must have about 20 pullet in that pen. 

We have had SOOO Much rain my poor pens are a muddy muddy mess.  More rain coming.  Maybe hubby will help me this week and we will dig everything out and have our neighbor come over and put some creek gravel in the runs.  I hate muddy eggs and chickens.  My poor WL are so NOT white right now :sick

Woooaaahhhh! Holy crap girl! It's hard selling around here. Everyone wants production breeds for dirt cheap. Silkies, marans and blue egg layers seem to do okay though, even if they're just roos! Selling eggs? There's no stinking way. It costs me about $2.40 to produce a dozen eggs... People will NOT pay $3 or even $2.50. I had ONE customer who was willing to pay $2. The rest want free-range eggs at grocery prices. IE, $1.50/dozen. Even last year, free-range, fermented grain, soy and corn free eggs were a max of $2/doz.
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