hatching geese eggs

Just candled again, definately no sound from egg, also still no shadowing lower in the egg, when I candle the shadow does some big humpy kind of movements (doing that just and it's quite a large hump sort of shadow), no shadow anywhere else in the air cell and I candled from every which way. Temp in incy is 37.7 currently and dry. I'm not 100% certain when this egg started shadowing but definetely all day yesterday and poss Thursday evening as well. Tried to take some pics, no hope, how on earth to you hold, camera, torch and egg and get a picture in focus, we are just not worthy Pete!!!
Oh some of your comments do make me laugh

I think the egg is starting the shadow sequence now and recommend you candle again tonight to see what progress has been made. It often happens quickly over a 6-12 hour period. Your temp is a little high and I would edge it back to 37.2-37.4C as hatching eggs need to be slightly cooler as their oxygen demands increase with temperature. Remember the allantoic membrane (respiration placenta) is unable to meet the chick needs now and this provides the stimulus to pip.

I would still give it a daily cool as this lowers the metabolic rate slightly and facilitates gas exchange through the shell. All these little tips help swing the odds into the gosling's favour. I'll be online on and off today but would be great if you could post an update this evening.

Go and enjoy this lovely warm spring sunshine

Anyway, on a happier note here are my new arrivals after using the hatching bible of Pete, thank you so much for all your help, we appreciate it more than words can say so hopefully picutes do it for us :

Cute babies!!

I have some faverolles and orpingtons hatchiing today and on candling today I actually was able to know what was going on in those shells based on what I saw!! Thank you Pete oh wise guru of the hatching gods!
Hi Maria

Im so sorry that I got so involved in your other egg that I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS

You've already hatched 2 cute little Toulouse and are'nt they just gorgeous - I bet you're thrilled to bits

A sincere - WELL DONE

Buff beauty - thank you
Looks like you're about to have some little cuties hatch as well very soon
Im pleased you now see whats going on in the hatching process and all this experience stands you in a good position ready for your own Dewlaps

Well it only gets better!! So my 7 dewlap eggs arrive today. 2 are badly broken, 2 are cracks but not indented and all have loose, but not detached aircells. Sheesh! Post office! So I'm gonna try to smear a thin layer of candle wax over the cracks and stick'em in with the others. Destined for a life of up-righted-ness!
Wish me luck. Maybe I shoulda listened to Pete! Haha
mtacagni Congrats on the new babies. There lookin good

Well the second batch looks like 16 out of 22. I will candle the other 6 tommorrow. I hope everyone is doing well.

buffbeauty Im sorry for how the PO treated that package. I had Hookbill ducks sent today and 4 of the 15 were badly broke UGH.
Hi All

Mtacagni - any update on your last Dewlap egg? I have one from the Grey female that is proving tricky as the air cell is on the side of the egg and not the top. However the air cell as swung slightly towards the top as I incubated almost upright. Its starting to shadow at the back so Im hoping it'll internally pip in the next 24 hours.

Buffbeauty - oh thats a real shame about the Dewlap eggs
I would let the seller know and maybe she'll replace some. With the cracked ones you can use candle wax or even a thin smear of nail varnish. There are products from Pharmacies that spray on called 'New Skin'. Usually used for children when they've sustained grazes etc. Leave the eggs to settle for a day (upright if air cell damaged) as they've been roughly handled then incubate upright for all detached air cells.

Bookerdog - how you doing over there in Oregon? You're having a great hatch
You're up there in an over 70% hatch rate - Impressive
Like the change in Avatar but cant see what you look like from the pic


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