hatching shipped BCM eggs, PIC heavy. HATCHING started 9/25!!!!

I'm going to set it up on its side just off center of the bator and jamb it into the walls a bit. Should be enough space for 8 or 10 on one side and 5 on the other. I'll post a pic when I get there on the 20th, for now though I'm resiting the urge to dry fit it while the bator is running
Hi! I had a good hatch, 26 out of 31 shipped via post office eggs hatched. Here's the thread with pics of all the fuzzy butts.


Also, my first quail egg just hatched about an hour ago! Cute little guy, about the size of a bumble bee. 34 more in the bator, by this time tomorrow I should have a bunch of them.


I KNOW exactly what you mean on the quail! We just hatched our first a week ago today...so darn tiny, but SO darn cute!

I'm jealous, fantastic hatch rate of those shipped eggs and adorable!
You will just love the Buff's we have one and her feathering is beautiful. she's friendly too.
i have Welsummers, red sex link, cochin, EE, Austrolpe, BCM, Cuckoo and golden cuckoo marans but no way to tell who fertilized what.

They have been running around together for a month now.

I am just trying to figure out the bator and we'll keep the girls for eggs and the boys will get an all expense paid trip to freezer camp.

freezer camp! LOL, even DH laughed at that one!

i have nine chicks left to sell I hatched end of July. I've had someone on CL stand me up TWICE now!
If I don't get rid of them soom any of those roo's will also be recruits in freezer camp.
I wish I can say "I"LL TAKE ALL 9!" but hubby will only get madder.

He said he can put up with me getting eggs, chicks, or hens for free off from freecycle or craigslist but having to have some shipped, he will not allow it right now.
Thanks. Actually this whole hatching idea popped out of nowhere. I thought my light brahma was going broody, so I started researching what to give her for when she did go fully broody.(wanted more chickens and thought the kids would like to have babies too) She still screeches and puffs up, but she's not staying on the nest for more than a few hours. So I figure since I bought the bator, she'll probably go broody now.

I'm planning to hatch some Welsummers and BBS Orps. Just a few til I get the hang of the hatching business.

bored bored bored bored bored....... nothing going on here at all, I candle tomorrow night. I think I'll MAKE hubby stay in there with me so I don't get the inquisition when I'm done this time. Major sinus infection so I'm not doing much of anything, hence the boredom... Hopefully this time next week I'll have little fuzz balls to photograph.

Ugh.... I hate waiting. And I hate sinus infections.
KDbeads - Yes, the waiting, waiting, waiting makes me crazy, crazy, crazy! Esp during lockdown. I must walk over to the bator a hundred times a day and i start peeping at them on day 18. DH laughs at me b/c in the evening while watching TV, I will just randomly get up, walk over to the bator and peep to them.
Just getting over some sinus craziness myself and now the three kiddos have it!
poor things take after mom in that respect. Hopefully it passes for you soon!

I think we are going to candle again on Friday so I can just check the duck and surprise chicken eggs I set last Saturday. Let me know how yours goes tomorrow.

not sure if i mentioned here or on the egg swap post but I will have babies hatching the 25th (these ones) and the following 3 Fridays in a row! LOL... First comes the BCM's, then the 5 random eggs that came with the duck eggs, then duck eggs and finally the eggs I am getting in the swap. whew! glad i got that third bator, just wish it would get here already! Seller hasn't shipped it yet (ebay) so I'm hoping they do tomorrow.
Mine are due on 9/25, too. Although I'm pretty much down to one viable egg now.
I have a feeling I'll be living vicariously through you guys when it comes hatch time. Our chances are not good.
Hey all!

We candled everything last night. Overall we are looking at 48% fertile. Results are below:

*R* eggs:
1 stopped?
2 movement!!
3 movement!!
4 not fertile
5 ?
6 movement!!
7 movement!!
8 movement!!
9 not fertile
10 ?
11 ?
12 movement!!
13 movement!!
14 not fertile
15 not fertile
16 ?
Percent fertile 44%

*D* eggs:
17 stopped?
18 fertile
19 movement!!
20 not fertile
21 not fertile
22 stopped?
23 not fertile
24 fertile
Percent fertile 38%

*J* eggs:
25 ?
26 fertile
29 movement!!
30 movement!!
31 movement!!
Percent fertile 57%

so we have 14 good eggs. We tossed eggs we could tell were infertile but left the few we were still unsure of. We did find one we thought was questionable on day 8 that has movement last night! YAY!

Also I decdied to buy a dozen move BCM from bargain to be shipped Monday, so we'll have another batch soon too.

We candled the surprise chick and the ducks eggs too, fertility on those was fantastic!
Duck eggs:
1 infertile, tossed
2 fertile
3 fertile
4 fertile
5 fertile
6 fertile
7 fertile

surprise chicks:
1 fertile
2 fertile
3 fertile
4 fertile
5 fertile

How's everyone else's hatch going along? Only one more week to go!

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