Hatching turkeys under a broody chicken hen


12 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Lucerne Valley, CA
I have some turkey eggs in the incubator and one of my chicken hens just went broody. Can I take the eggs out of the incubator and put them under her? How many turkey eggs fit under a chicken hen?
9 out of twelve hatched. It's been a week and all look to be thriving! It's defined possible.
31,604 eggs if she is large chicken.
If the chicken in question is a serama, maybe 2.

I wouldn't recommend it. I tried this with broodies a couple of times, and it never worked out. I did have a turkey hen once that would lay her eggs in the Jersey's nestbox, probably because it was big enough to fit in.
I used to use broody bantam cochins and they worked great for hatching turkeys but it did not take long for the poults to get too large for them to brood. the bantams could handle 3 to 4 large turkey eggs with no problem. I would let them go broody on their own eggs then slip their eggs out in a swap for turkey eggs then I would put the bantam eggs in the incubator. Worked great.
Yeah but be sure the eggs do not get jarred during the transfer because they should be developing blood vessels. I used to switch the eggs at night while using a small flashlight. The hen would stay a bit calmer and is a lot more reluctant to leave the nest when it is dark.

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